This is a graphic containing the following text: 1. A promise from the nation for the government to establish a Youth Covenant as a commitment to young people across services and communities; including a Minister for Young People and Cabinet Committee, with an annual report to Parliament on what we have done, what we have achieved and priorities for young people. 2. Local choices: formed by Local Youth Partnerships with local authorities resources and accountable to secure access to quality youth services and sufficient youth work provision, bringing together statutory, voluntary and community services for a clear local youth offer designed with young people. 3. Sure-footed: from early help to sustained support with greater regional investment and a Youth Premium to end disparities and help put vulnerable people and their families on a surer footing, at a critical time of life for making significant life-choices, forming new relationships and taking on new challenges. 4. Seen and heard: to rebuild trust across the generations young people need to be listened to and have their views heard and respected, including Hear By Right national participation standards and in support of Votes at 16, for their democratic engagement in local and national decision-making. 5. Two per school (2PS): core provision of at least two qualified youth workers per school catchment area with a team of youth support workers and trained volunteers, and capital investment for new and refurbished facilities to guarantee universal provision for open-access youth work on which an eco-system of community-based provision can flourish.