Starting at the top left is a box with the text ‘Is the child under three?’. This then leads to two boxes with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as the options. If you follow ‘Yes’, you are taken to a box saying ‘Hold/cuddle to calm. Then explain in line with child’s understanding. No biting; that hurts; Ellie is crying.’ If you follow ‘No’, you are taken to a box with the text ‘Inconsiderate behaviour. E.g. taking toys from another child, not waiting for a turn, pushing, being uncooperative, disrupting a game, hitting out against another child.’ This box then leads to two more boxes. First, to a box with the text ‘Distract/re-direct/make it fun/if low level. Pretend the cars are like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – they can fly into the cupboard! Give a reason. You need to wear a coat because it’s cold outside. If appropriate, offer limited choice. E.g. would you like to put your coat or your hat on first? Offer an incentive to comply, e.g. banking time/child time with you.’ This then leads onto another box with the text ‘If behaviour escalates: acknowledge feelings. Explain why behaviour was unacceptable. Support children to learn a more appropriate response. You wanted to play with the scooter? But Kirat was playing with it. You’ve interrupted his game and now he’s upset. It’s not fair to grab. Now, how could you get to play with the scooter?’ Second, you are taken to a box saying ‘Or’ and then onto another box with the text ‘Hurtful behaviour. Momentary, spontaneous without understanding the feeling of the person they have hurt (often due to deep unhappiness).’ Then to a box with the text ‘Calm child who is hurt and child who is angry. This may be through holding/cuddling. Ask the child what happened. Guess if necessary. Evie, did you want a turn on the iPad? Explain why the behaviour happened, in line with child’s understanding.’ Then to a box with the text ‘Recognise/name feelings. Help child express them. Make the connection between the behaviour and the feeling. You were enjoying playing with the iPad and Evie took it. You didn’t like it, did you? It made you feel angry and you hit her.’ Then to a box with the text ‘Help the child develop empathy and understanding that their actions have an impact on others’ feelings. Talk through a more effective approach. When you hit Evie, it hurt her and she didn’t like that and it made her cry. How could you ask Evie to wait?’