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1. Governing bodies and ‘team working’

Completion requirements
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A list of attributes: ‘My actions reflect the considered, best interests of the school and its pupils.’ ‘I attend governing body meetings regularly.’ ‘I am familiar with work of the school and keep this knowledge up to date.’ ‘I participate in training programmes, including whole governing body training and other events.’ ‘I demonstrate a commitment to equality of opportunity.’ ‘I act as a critical friend towards those with professional responsibilities in the school.’ ‘I am conscious of, and act within, the limits of the responsibilities of the governing body.’ ‘I respect the responsibility of the headteacher for the day- to-day decisions in the management of the school.’ ‘I observe collective responsibility by supporting, once determined by democratic means, the decisions of the governing body.’ ‘I help to develop a clear vision for the school with fellow governors.’ ‘I focus my contribution to governing body decisions upon what is in the best interests of pupils.’ ‘I am conscious that the welfare of pupils should always come first. ’ ‘I encourage and participate in systems that provide for open and effective communication.’ ‘I am aware that all governors are equal; I respect others’ views and behave accordingly in dealings with colleagues.’ ‘I am aware of the governing body’s accountability to parents and others in the local community.’ ‘I observe all protocols and procedures agreed by the governing body.’

 1.1 Working in a team as a governor