The image shows a complex relationship between aspects that enable a quality mentoring relationship. On the right-hand side there are attributes that enable professional learning and on the left-hand side there are the learning behaviours and cultures which result. On each side of the diagram the drawing is spilt into three which are further divided into an outer and an inner section. The outer section is labelled contextual and interpersonal values and the inner section is labelled individual and intrapersonal relationships. In the attributes section there are three sections. The topmost section is labelled creativity and includes problem-solving and innovation and having access and being open to alternative perspectives as well as engaging in original thinking. The middle section is labelled solidarity and includes values shared in collaboration, professional dialogue, understanding and engaging with others and being accountable. The lowest section is labelled authenticity and includes recognising the characteristics and priorities of the school, as well as being motivated to learn and bringing ethics and values into practice. The left-hand side of the diagram again has three sections. The topmost section is labelled articulate and includes contributing to professional knowledge and developing a shared language as well as explaining practice and thinking to others. The middle section is labelled critique and includes critiquing evidence, refining practice and developing critical friends and reflecting critically on evidence, research and theory and being open to theory. The lowest section is labelled expand and includes using appropriate tools for professional learning and evidence to forward plan as well as developing dialogic thinking and self-regulation. There is a central circle which contains the words, mentoring to develop practice, use of tools: scaffold; collect evidence; collaborate; reframe and cycles of plan, do, enquire and review.