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Week 1: Why French?

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This image contains various coloured hexagons, each containing a possible reason for learning French. They are as follows: To prepare for business trips to Yaounde in Cameroon; Because my boyfriend is French; I’m a foody and want to travel to France to explore its gastronomy; I’ve accepted a new job based in Quebec; I’m training as a mountain guide and I want to move to the Alps; It’s the only language taught in my school; I love the sound of the language; My dream is to visit Tahiti one day; My mother is a French speaker from Haiti, I wish she had taught me her language; I want to work for the UN in Geneva; I live in the South of England and France is cheap and easy to travel to; I’m doing a PhD in History and want to research primary sources about the Huguenots; I speak Romanian so French will be easy to pick up for me; My best friend has moved to France and I intend to visit often; I have elderly French-speaking relatives in Morocco who I want to care for; I want to become a translator or interpreter from French to English; I’m from New Orleans and want to find out more about Cajun and Creole cultures; I have a passion for French-language cinema; I would like to teach English in France; I really enjoyed watching a French TV series on Netflix.