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Session 2: Building competencies

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A diagram of the TPACK model: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. This is labelled at the very centre of three circles, which all overlap one another. The top circle is labelled Technological knowledge (TK), the right-hand circle is labelled Content Knowledge (CK) and the left-hand circle is labelled Pedagogical Knowledge (PK). Where TK and PK overlaps, this area is labelled Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK). Where CK and PK overlaps, this is labelled Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). Where CK and TK overlaps, this is labelled Technological Content Knowledge (TCK). As mentioned previously, where TK, CK and PK all overlap, this is labelled Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). This is all contained in a dashed line circle, labelled contexts.