Further reading
Academy of Management (2020) Code of ethics [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) (2020) Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines 3.0. https://aoir.org/ reports/ ethics3.pdf
British Association for Applied Linguistics (2016) Recommendations on Good Practice in Applied Linguistics, 3rd edn.
British Educational Research Association (2018) Ethical guidelines for educational research. 4th edn. London: BERA.
British Psychological Society (2014) Code of Human Research Ethics. Leicester: BPS.
British Society of Criminology (2006) Code of Ethics for Researchers in the Field of Criminology
British Sociological Association (2002/2006) Statement of Ethical Practice for the British Sociological Association
Economic and Social Research Council (2010) Framework for research ethics
NHS (2017) Safeguarding Adults: Pocket Guide [online] Available at: https://www.england.nhs.uk/ wp-content/ uploads/ 2017/ 02/ adult-pocket-guide.pdf
Scottish Educational Research Association (2005) Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research
Social Policy Association (2009) Guidelines on Research Ethics
The Social Research Unit Ethical assurance for social research
Social Research Association (2003) Ethical guidelines
UK Research Integrity Office (2006-2020) https://ukrio.org/