Grap to show the introduction stage of the industry lifecycle.
X-axis: time, Y-axis number of firms (continuous line) and sales (dotted line).
The x-axis is divided in three substages: Incubation Stage, Pre-Firm Takeoff Stage, and Pre-Sales Takeoff Stage.
The Incubation stage starts with Triggers of incubation and ends with First Commercialisation.
The Pre-Firm Takeoff Stage starts with First Commercialisation and ends with Firm Takeoff.
The Pre-Sales Takeoff Stage starts with Firm Takeoff and ends with Sales Takeoff.
In the Incubation stage both the number of firms and the sales lines are low (just above zero).
In the Pre-Frim Takeoff stage the Sales line remains close to zero, while the Number of Firms starts to grow.
In the Pre-Sales Takeoff Stage the Number of Firms continues to rise, and the Sales line starts to rise from zero.
The whole introduction stage ends when the sales lines starts to grow more rapidly.