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Marketing in the 21st century

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This interactive diagram consists of a range of questions, sequentially numbered. To the right of these questions are five circles. The far left circle is titled ‘Strongly disagree.’ The far right circle is titled ‘Strong agree.’ Running down the middle column of circles is a line. The activity asks you to click on the circle that indicates your agreement with the question. By clicking on the circle that indicates your agreement with the question, the line moves to that circle. Eventually be answering all the questions, the original straight line will move in various vertical ways across the screen, indicating the complete range of responses to the questions asked. A button then informs you that it should be pressed to show how your results compare to the original questionnaires sample group results. The diagram now shows a continuously running through line running down through the circles, representing the original sample group. You are now presented with two sets of lines. Your own line, representing your score to the questions. The line representing the original participants scores to the questions. The diagram allows you then to observe how your organisation scores against the original participant group in terms of marketing orientation. The questions asked in the diagram are as follows:

SECTION TITLE: Intelligence Generation

In this section, we meet with customers at least once a year to find out what products or services they will need in the future. In this business unit, we do a lot of in-house market research. We are slow to detect changes in our customers' product preferences. We poll end users at least once a year to assess the quality of our products and services. We are slow to detect fundamental shifts in our industry (e.g., competition, technology, regulation).We periodically review the likely effect of changes in our business envi-ronment (e.g., regulation) on customers.

SECTION TITLE: Intelligence Dissemination

We have interdepartmental meetings at least once a quarter to discuss market trends and developments. Marketing personnel in our business unit spend time discussing customers' future needs with other functional departments. When something important happens to a major customer of market, the whole business unit knows about it within a short period. Data on customer satisfaction are disseminated at all levels in this business unit on a regular basis. When one department finds out something important about competitors, it is slow to alert other departments.

SECTION TITLE: Responsiveness

It takes us forever to decide how to respond to our competitor's price changes. For one reason or another we tend to ignore changes in our customer's product or service needs. We periodically review our product development efforts to ensure that they are in line with what customers want. Several departments get together periodically to plan a response to changes taking place in our business environment. If a major competitor were to launch an intensive campaign targeted at our customers, we would implement a response immediately. The activities of the different departments in this business unit are well coordinated. Customer complaints fall on deaf ears in this business unit. Even if we came up with a great marketing plan, we probably would not be able to implement it in a timely fashion. When we find that customers would like us to modify a product of service, the departments involved make concerted efforts to do so.

 1.7 The Austin Seven