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Understanding operations management

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This mapping diagram is headed by the title ‘The environment: outside of the control of the organisation’. It shows a row of objects. The first object is white arrow containing the word ‘Suppliers’, pointing towards the right. It points to a central area which is marked by a white line boundary box entitled ‘Under the control of the organisation’. Inside this area is a row of 4 objects. The first is a square white box containing the phrases ‘Transformed resources’ and ‘Transforming resources’. A white arrow containing the word ‘Inputs’ points away from this box to a white rectangular box containing the words ‘Transformation process’. This is followed by another white arrow containing the word ‘Outputs’ pointing from the rectangular box to a square white box containing the words ‘Products’ and ‘Services’. On the right of the central marked area is a white rectangular box containing the word ‘Customer’. There is a black dotted line labelled ‘Feedback’, which leads from the bottom of the ‘Customer’ box and points to the bottom of the ‘Inputs’ arrow within the central marked area.