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IT: device to device communication

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This image shows a diagram of text elements, linked by arrows. The first text element is 'embedded tag (active)'. An arrow leads to text directly to the right, which reads 'fixed or mobile reader'. Two further arrows lead from 'fixed or mobile reader' to 'speeds of up to three hundred and twenty kilometres an hour' and 'distances of up to 100 metres'. Another arrow leads from 'embedded tag (active)' to text further over to the right, which reads 'plate self-destructs if tampered with'. A third arrow leads from 'embedded tag (active)' to text directly below it. This reads 'encrypted ID no.'. An arrow leads from 'encrypted ID no.' to text below it, which reads 'sent to central database'. An arrow leads from 'sent to central database' to text below it, which reads 'matched with vehicle details'. In the bottom right hand corner of the diagram, there is more text contained within a dark oval ring. This text reads 'part of e-plates project. Two arrows lead from this to 'started 2001' and 'A million pounds cost to date'.