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Teaching secondary geography

Completion requirements
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The image shows a mind map exploring the concept of ‘creativity’. The mind map has four main branches. ‘Creative’, ‘Required’, ‘Indispensable’ and ‘Strategic’. From the ‘ Creative ’ branch, there is the main heading ‘Actions’. Radiating out from ‘Actions’ are ‘Journalling’, ‘proactive’ leading to ‘learning’, ‘Process’ leading to ‘orientation’, ‘Mind’ leading to ‘mapping’. Radiating out from ‘ Required ’ there is the main heading ‘Qualities’ and two branches entitled ‘Primary traits’. From the first primary traits branch are the words ‘Intuitive, persistent, curious, playful, nature, independent, courageous, proactive, patient, dedicated’. From the second ‘Primary traits’ branch are the words ‘Imaginative, focused, risk taker, possibility, thinker, flexible, opinion, decisions, thought’. From the ‘Belief ’ branch are the words ‘Personal’, leading to ‘ability’, ‘Higher’, leading to ‘power’, ‘Learning’, leading to ‘success’ or ‘failure’. From the Strategic branch are the main headings ‘Self-talk’ and ‘Words’. Radiating out from ‘Self-talk’ are the words ‘Asking’, leading to ‘questions’, leading to ‘focused’, leading to ‘solutions’, leading to ‘expanding’, leading to ‘possibilities’. Radiating out from ‘Words’ are ‘Spoken’, leading to ‘optimistic’, leading to ‘reflective’.

 3 What can creativity look like in geography?