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Week 2: Metals, metals everywhere

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A tree diagram of various rock weathering processes, along with its products and depositions. The first branch separates into ‘chemical’ and ‘physical’ weathering. Following the ‘chemical’ branch first, it's broken down in several ways. Firstly an arrow labelled ‘solution’ leads to text ‘soluble material e.g. Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+’, from which an arrow then breaks down to ‘chemical’ and ‘biological’, leading to ‘evaporites’ and ‘limestone’ respectively. Secondly, the label ‘solid products’ leads to text ‘new minerals e.g. clays and iron oxides’ leading to ‘mudstone’. Thirdly, the label ‘solid residue’ leads to text ‘chemically resistant minerals e.g. quartz’, leading to ‘sandstone’. Beginning again from the top of the diagram, the ‘physical’ branch is labelled ‘fragmentation’ which then breaks into two arrows. The first arrow leads to the same text seen in the ‘chemical’ branch, ‘chemically resistant minerals e.g. quartz’, leading to ‘sandstone’. The second arrow leads to text ‘rock fragments’, leading to ‘conglomerate’.