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Week 2: Identifying team roles

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This figure shows a mind-map for Jane made up of circles connected to each other. In the centre is a circle with Jane written in it. Coming off of this circle are five more circles: Friend, Mother, Daughter, Childminder, Volunteer on PTA. Coming off of the ‘Mother’ circle are the circles: Taxi and Cook. Cook is highlighted in yellow. Coming off of the Daughter circle are the circles: Carer, Personal Shopper, Listener, Financial adviser. Carer, Personal shopper and Listener are highlighted in yellow. Coming off of the Childminder circle are the circles: Discipliner, Parental adviser, Teacher, Care/Comforter. Parental adviser and Carer/Comforter are highlighted in yellow. Coming off of the Volunteer on PTA circle are the circles: Room set-upper, Ideas generator, Clothes collector. Room set-upper is highlighted in yellow. Coming off of the Friend circle are the circles: Companion, Adviser, Listener/Confidante. Adviser and Listener/Confidante are highlighted in yellow.