5 Computing Guide
You can access the Computing Guide either from StudentHome, where you click on ‘Computing Guide’ under the ‘Services’ heading on the left-hand side of the page, by clicking the ‘Help’ tab at the top left-hand corner of any page in your module website, or searching the Help Centre.
The Computing Guide is a great help if you’re struggling to do something or to refresh your memory on the things you have learned here.
There is a broad range of videos, walk-throughs and instructions on how to get the most out of your online study.
If you are familiar with using bookmarks in your browser, you may find it useful to bookmark the guide for future reference or you can just make a note of the link in your notes.
All universities have extensive academic libraries, and the OU is no exception to this. There is a physical library building in Milton Keynes and you may be wondering how you can possibly get access to this as a distance learner. Well, the good news is the Library is also online.