4.2 What can I do if I fall behind?
No matter how well you plan, life has a habit of getting in the way so there will probably be times when you’ll struggle to keep up with study.
It’s important to know where to go when things get tough. Your tutor is your first point of contact – the sooner you tell them about any issues you have, the better – whether it’s something happening at home or work that’s stopping you from studying, or that you’re finding something in the module particularly difficult. They are there to help so don’t be afraid to let them know!
Your student support team (SST) are also an excellent place to go for support. They can offer you a wide range of options to help you get back on track. Your tutor might refer you to them, or you can contact them yourself and they’ll work with you on a personalised plan. If you are an apprentice talk to your practice tutor.
If you’re an apprentice your funding arrangements are different and so your options for if you fall behind are different. The message is the same however, talk to your practice tutor and/or your employer early to get help with catching up or exploring whether a break in learning is appropriate.
The following are fictional examples but are based on situations that students commonly find themselves in.
These are just a couple of examples of the type of help you can get if you fall behind. There are many other options that could be discussed.
The main message to take away is talk to your tutor as soon as possible. If you’re thinking you need to stop or pause a module (we call this deferring) you’ll also need to talk to your student support team (SST) to make sure you’re aware of all the options and any financial implications.
Before you finish this session we’ve got some final tips from students for you.