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3.2 Developing digital skills

Having done the self-assessment activity, you might have identified some areas where you could improve your digital skills.

Activity 3 Developing your digital skills

Timing: Allow about 20 minutes

In Table 1 is a list of OU resources designed to help develop your digital skills.

Pick a couple of topics where you’ve identified you might need to develop your skills, and visit the suggested resource.

Table 1 Resources for digital skills
Digital skill Resources
Evaluation and trust

Deciding what to trust online

Scams and hoaxes

Digital identity, and ‘footprint’

My digital identity

Developing a good digital footprint

Finding information

Choosing good keywords

Target your Google search

Self-assessment: Finding information


Communicating online

Writing online


You might want to come back to some of these resources when you have some more time, so make a note in your study journal of any useful links.

In this session so far you have considered your computer and digital skills and looked at some quick resources to help you build on your existing skills.

As you prepare for, and move through, study at the OU it’s worth being aware of the valuable resource that is OpenLearn.