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Session 4: Handling data

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A line graph titled ‘Gym membership for 2018’. The horizontal axis is labelled ‘Month’ and shows the twelve months of the year. The vertical axis is labelled ‘Number of members’ and has five numbered points every 25 from 0 to 100.

The approximate data points on the graph for females (red line) are: January (99), February (95), March (85), April (82), May (80), June (75), July (70), August (68), September (65), October (65), November (74), December (67).

The approximate data points on the graph for males (blue line) are: January (94), February (99), March (93), April (90), May (85), June (81), July (77), August (74), September (74), October (78), November (75), December (69).