Choosing a job profile

Many of the skills and abilities that you looked at in Session 3 are transferable – skills you have developed in one area of your life that can be carried over into another area. In this session you are asked to think about the future – for example, which career or subject area you may be interested in – and then explore what the possibilities and options are for you.
A list of the main career areas is given in Activity 4.1. You can see that this list is very long – so how do you choose?
Activity 4.1 Using the computer to explore ideas

If your main aim of completing What about me? is to help you decide on a future career or a career change, you may want to spend more time on this activity to fully explore your ideas. This will help ensure that you make a realistic, well-informed decision for yourself.
IT skills can help you research or explore your ideas. Click on at least one of the careers or subject areas listed in Table 4.1 that you are interested in, or perhaps are unfamiliar with. The career areas given here are links that will take you to job profile information in these areas. (Press the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard and left-click with the mouse.)
Explore the information given for two job profiles, so that you are able to respond to the following points:
- What are the entry requirements for your chosen job profiles?
- Name two skills that are required for each of your chosen job profiles.
- Make a note of any point that particularly interests or surprises you.
You can complete this activity on your own or in pairs if you are in a group. Remember to save your answers because you will return to these in future activities.
Use either the Activity sheet 4.1 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] or your notebook to record your answers.
Go to Activity 4.1 of your Reflection Log. Once you have completed the activity, make sure you save the document again.
If you want to look at careers information through the medium of Welsh or explore opportunities specific to Wales, you may want to go to the Careers Wales website.
How did you get on? Were you able to answer the questions? Did any of the information surprise you?
The information that you have just researched will help you with the next activity in this session.
You may want to return to Activity 4.1 later to fully explore your ideas further, especially if your main aim is deciding on a future career or a career change.