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Sure, I know how to talk to people!

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This image is of two circles next to one another. They are exactly the same size and structure. Each circle is divided into eight sections or octants of equal size. If you split the circles horizonally there are four sections above the horizontal and four below. In each segment there is a description of behaviours. One of the circles (the one on the left) is labelled ‘adaptive/positive patterns of interaction’. Starting from the 12 o’clock position on the circle, the sections (going in a clockwise order) are labelled 1. Supportive, Conversational and Nonjudgmental, 2. Social, Warm and Friendly, 3. Respectful Trusting and Admiring, 4. Modest, Humble and Seeking Guidance, 5. Wary, Skeptical and Reserved, 6. Frank, Forthright and Critical, 7. Confident, Assertive, Certain, 8. In charge, Sets the agenda, Advises.

The second circle which is on the right is labelled ‘maladaptive/negative patterns of interaction’. The label descriptions in this circle are different to those on the left hand circle. Starting from the 12 o’clock position on the circle the sections (going in a clockwise order) are labelled 1. Parental, Patronising and Rescuing, 2. Over-familiar Obsequious and Desperate, 3. Uncertain, Hesitant and Apologetic, 4. Formulaic, Disengaged, Conflict Avoidant, 5. Irritable, Distrustful and Resentful, 6. Sarcastic, Punitive, Attacking and Unfriendly, 7. Judgemental, Argumentative and Competitive, and 8. Demanding, Dogmantic, Pedantic and Rigid.