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Session 2: What makes a good social worker?

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This is a diagram showing Carkhuff’s levels of empathy. Level 1 is obstructed listening: The worker does everything but express that they are listening, understanding or being sensitive to even the most obvious feelings of the service user in such a way as to detract significantly from the communications of the service user. Level 2 is minimal listening: The worker tends to respond to other that what the service user is expressing or indicating. Level 3 is mirroring listening: The worker does not respond accurately to how that person really feels beneath the surface feelings: but they indicate a willingness and openness to do so. This level of facilitative interpersonal functioning. Level 4 is empathetic listening: In addition to Level 3, the worker’s response adds deeper feeling and meaning to the expressions of the service user. Level 5 is therapeutic listening: The worker is responding with a full awareness of how the other person and with comprehensive and accurate empathic understanding of that individual’s deepest feelings. This goes beyond what the service user is saying and may need to be prefaced with ‘Correct me if I’m wrong, but what I hear you expressing is...’