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Hybrid working: planning for the future
Hybrid working: planning for the future

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3.3 During the workshop

It is sensible at the start of the workshop to run through the checklist below, to help set expectations and clarify the outcomes you hope to achieve.

  • Overview of what to expect depending on the purpose.
  • The context for the workshop
  • The outcome intended for the workshop
  • Be prepare to active listen – provide overview of what this means in your context
  • Preparing – do they need to know how use online tools?
  • Accessibility and inclusion considerations
  • Workshop 'house keeping'.

As participants may not be familiar with the What’s your Why? three stage process shown in Figure 12 (repeated), take them through the stages and what to expect (these are explained in the next sections in detail).

Described image
Figure 12 (repeated) What’s your ‘Why?’ – three stage process

Each stage should be structured in two parts Discovery and Reporting out (as Sinek calls the replay). The workshops are not about agreeing the ‘How’ and ‘What’, this should be done through other approach appropriate to your requirements.

Remember, your output from the workshop is to understand ‘Why’. Reaching agreement on your ‘Why’ may take refinement depending on the complexity of the focus for your ‘Why’. At a team level this might be achievable in one or two workshops, but for organisational-wide initiatives this could take several sessions and conversations to reach agreement.

In order to assist with capturing the output from the stages you may wish to use the template in the table below:

Table 4 Workshop output template
Now Future
This is our 'Why' This could be our 'Why'
How we work now How we could work
What we do now What we could do
Areas we would like to improve
Anything we should stop doing?