Stage 3: Value of the relationships
The Islands methodology was originally devised to explore post-pandemic hybrid ways of working. This meant considering when people and teams needed to gather in person or online for social, collaborative reasons, and when the reasons were purely task-focused. Consider the relationships with social and functional value generated by both parties and label these with the value they generate for both parties.
Social: you discuss and collaborate.
Functional: primarily transactional/task-focused.
Ask quantitatively and qualitatively:
- what difference does each relationship make in each direction?
Think of the things that influence the decisions people or organisations make and the things that may change their behaviours. You can use a template like the one shown in Table 9 below to help your thinking.
Political | Technological | Feelings | Challenges |
Economic | Legal | Perceptions | Opportunities |
Social | Environmental | Trends | Threats |