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Working in groups and teams
Working in groups and teams

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7.2 End of project evaluation

Bateman et al. (2002) suggest six areas for the investigation of team effectiveness, which can be evaluated on an ongoing basis, retrospectively at the end of a project or at a specific stage in the group-working process. These are:

  • Team synergy. There is a shared sense of purpose and identity.
  • Performance objectives. There are clear performance objectives in terms of budgets, activity or throughput levels, which are monitored.
  • Skills. Team members are adequately trained and are competent to do their work. They are also flexible.
  • Use of resources. All resources including people, buildings and equipment are used effectively and to their full potential.
  • Innovation. The team constantly looks for ways to improve products and systems of work.
  • Quality. There is a high level of customer awareness; standards are identified and monitored.

Statements relating to these six areas of investigation are shown in Table 6. They can be used for group review discussions and as a means of identifying problematic areas for further investigation.

Table 6 Shared purpose and identity
Statement Yes/no
There was a common sense of purpose
Members were clear about their roles
There was effective communication
Individuals felt valued as members of the team
Individuals felt proud to be a member of the team
Morale within the team was high
There was effective and appropriate leadership
All the individuals performed to the best of their abilities
There was a willingness to be flexible and perform other roles and jobs
Members of the team felt that they were fully utilised
The team had the resources it needed to do the job
Team members were encouraged to be innovative
Problems were quickly identified
The team was quick to address the problem once identified
Problem solving was seen as an opportunity for learning and growth
(Source: adapted from Bateman et al., 2002)