Digital & Computing
Hybrid working: digital communication and collaboration
Communication and digital collaboration skills are now essential for new ways of working and thriving in a digital world. As more organisations move to permanent hybrid working, being able to connect with others, manage your digital persona and use the digital tools and understand expectations is becoming more important.

Money & Business
Hybrid working: change management
Change is one of the constants in life, especially for organisations who need to adapt and evolve to ensure they meet the needs of their end users, stakeholders and staff to ensure they thrive and succeed. The COVID-19 pandemic forced accelerated change throughout the world, which could not be planned for, and rapid change programmes where ...

Money & Business
Marketing communications in the digital age
The influence and impact of marketing can be seen all around. For instance, you may find marketing communications being used to promote various brands, increase charitable donations, persuade toddlers to eat their vegetables, or encourage teenagers to behave responsibly around alcohol. In this digital era, if you use social media to portray a ...

Science, Maths & Technology
Introducing technology and innovation management
This free course will introduce you to technology and innovation management and is relevant to managers and students of technological innovation. You will learn about innovation types and processes, how innovation can add or create value, and about the management activities that underpin the innovation and value creation process. You do not ...

Money & Business
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Do you feel concerned about a lack of diversity in your workplace? Is this something you want to address? Perhaps you’d like to feel more informed on a personal level before taking it further organisationally? This free course introduces you to the benefits and complexities of developing and supporting a diverse and inclusive workforce. It ...

Money & Business
Gweithio hybrid: datblygu sefydliadol
Achosodd pandemig COVID-19 i sawl sefydliad orfod newid ffordd o weithio'r gweithlu, a hynny o bell, yn gyflym iawn yn 2020. Mae'r weithred o ddychwelyd i arferion gweithio mewn swyddfa cyn y pandemig wedi bod yn araf, gyda sawl sefydliad nawr yn awyddus i weithio mewn modd hyblyg. Mae gweithio hybrid, er hynny, yn cyflwyno heriau newydd sy'n ...

Money & Business
Hybrid working: organisational development
The COVID-19 pandemic caused many organisations to go into warp speed and pivot their workforce to remote working almost overnight in 2020. The return to pre-pandemic office routines has been slow, and many organisations are now keen to work in a more agile and flexible way. Hybrid working does, however, introduce a new set of challenges, and ...

Money & Business
Academi Arian MSE
Mae'r Brifysgol Agored wedi ymuno â MoneySavingExpert (MSE) i gynhyrchu'r cwrs rhad ac am ddim newydd hwn i roi'r sgiliau a'r wybodaeth i chi feistroli eich arian. Ysgrifennwyd y cwrs gan y Brifysgol Agored, gyda chyngor ac arweiniad MSE.

Money & Business
Hybrid working: skills for leadership
This course will give you an opportunity to reflect on who you are as a hybrid leader and how you want to develop. It will help you understand how to empathise with your workforce and how to adapt your communication skills when working in the office and when working remotely. It will prompt you to start thinking about how you can encourage your ...

Money & Business
Gweithio hybrid: sgiliau ar gyfer arwain
Bydd y cwrs hwn yn rhoi cyfle i chi adfyfyrio ar bwy ydych chi fel arweinydd hybrid a sut rydych chi eisiau datblygu. Bydd yn eich helpu i ddeall sut i ddangos empathi â'ch gweithlu a sut i addasu eich sgiliau cyfathrebu wrth weithio yn y swyddfa ac wrth weithio o bell. Bydd yn eich annog i ddechrau meddwl sut y gallwch ysgogi eich gweithle i ...

Money & Business
MSE’s Academy of Money
The Open University has joined forces with MoneySavingExpert (MSE) to produce this new free course to give you the skills and knowledge to master your finances. Packed with videos, audios, quizzes and activities the course covers all the key aspects of personal finance in six sessions of study that each take around two hours to complete.

Money & Business
The business of football
This free course, The business of football, was produced by The Open University working in partnership with The English Football League Trust. If you are fascinated by men's and women's football and interested in discovering more about business and management, then this engaging and stimulating course is for you.