Money & Business
Gweithio hybrid: cynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol
Oherwydd pandemig COVID-19 yn 2020, bu rhaid i sefydliadau gynllunio ac addasu o fewn wythnos er mwyn symud eu gweithlu cyfan bron i weithio o bell, ac roedd yn rhaid i'r rheini a oedd yn gorfod aros 'ar y safle’ roi mesurau diogelwch ar waith yn gyflym. Roedd hwn yn ymateb byd-eang digynsail na fyddai llawer o sefydliadau wedi'u rhagweld a bu ...

Money & Business
Hybrid working: planning for the future
In 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic organisations had to plan and adapt within a week to move almost their entire workforce to remote working, and those who had to remain in ‘onsite’ environments had to quickly implement safety measures. This was an unprecedented global response that many organisations would not have foreseen and had to adjust ...

Money & Business
Understanding your customers
This free course, Understanding your customers, is a short introduction to understanding customers. The course underlines the relevance of understanding customers as individuals, members of society and members of organisations. It clarifies some key marketing concepts and terminology and highlights some differences between consumer and ...

Money & Business
Introduction to operations management
This free course, Introduction to operations management, will introduce you to the role of operations management in organisations, and gives you the opportunity to understand what an operations manager does. It looks at how the role might influence the short- and long-term success of the organisation. It is important to develop a clear ...

Money & Business
Marketing communications as a strategic function
Marketing communications help to define an organisation's relationship with its customers. This free course, Marketing communications as a strategic function, emphasises the strategic importance of such communication and its long-term effect on consumers. Communication models can act as a predictive guide, but in the end it is important to ...

Money & Business
Fundamentals of accounting
Learn about the essential numerical and double-entry skills required for accounting. This free course, Fundamentals of accounting, will explain the fundamental purpose and role of accounting as well as the double-entry rules that are the foundation of all financial records and reports in any modern business.

Money & Business
Social marketing
Never before have social issues been more at the centre of public and private debate. From concerns about sustainability and the future of the planet to the introduction of smoking bans, there is a growing recognition that social marketing has a role to play in achieving a wide range of social goals. This free course, Social marketing, examines ...

Money & Business
Conversations and interviews
This free course, Conversations and interviews, explores how to ask and answer questions in interviews and conversations.

Money & Business
Retail marketing
This free course, Retail marketing, explores how retailers use marketing to communicate with their customers, considering definitions of retailing and consumers, the basics of communications, before moving on to look at different forms of marketing communications and advertising used by retailers.

Money & Business
Quantitative and qualitative research in finance
What are the key features of qualitative and quantitative research in finance? What do they involve in practical terms, and what they can produce? This free course, Quantitative and qualitative research in finance, explores the underpinning methodologies, then looks at how research data are produced and how they are analysed. The course also ...

Money & Business
Sustainable innovations in enterprises
This free online course, Sustainable innovations in enterprises, introduces you to the importance of sustainable innovations, the role it plays in commercial and social enterprises and the importance to society. It explores cases of sustainable innovations in specialist areas – arts and humanities; science, technology and engineering; health & ...

Money & Business
Estimating the cost of equity
This free course, Estimating the cost of equity, looks at how to estimate the cost of equity using the dividend valuation model (DVM) and the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), and how to evaluate the use of the DVM and the CAPM from a financial and strategic perspective. It then explores the implications regarding selection of the inputs to ...