Money & Business
Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Are you a drone pilot looking to explore the opportunity of expanding your offering in the agricultural, forestry and rural sectors? Are you a student interested in knowing how drones can impact positively on agricultural sustainability? Maybe you know very little about drones but would like to experiment with them in rural settings. In this ...

Health, Sports & Psychology
Introducing ageing
Everyone is ageing, whatever their current age, and we live in a world where many people are living much longer than previous generations. This is often seen as a problem. But is it? This free course, Introducing ageing, will help you to think about this issue by introducing you to some key ideas in studying later life.

Money & Business
Exploring career mentoring and coaching
This free course, Exploring career mentoring and coaching, will explain what mentors and career coaches do and how a colleague or expert who can ask the right questions, challenge assumptions, and help an individual to find the best solutions for themselves, can make a significant difference in a wide range of situations and contexts.

Money & Business
Global challenges in practice: designing a development intervention
This free short course addresses the key elements of designing a development intervention. Its approach to ‘doing development’ will be value led rather than technical. There is a wealth of material teaching a technical approach to development intervention. This course seeks to shift the balance back to a value based approach to doing development...

Education & Development
Leadership and followership
This free course, Leadership and followership, will help you to explore what makes a good leader, recognise common leadership challenges, and identify the skills you need to develop if you want to enhance your own leadership experience.

Science, Maths & Technology
Data analysis: hypothesis testing
Making decisions about the world based on data requires a process that bridges the gap between unstructured data and the decision. Statistical hypothesis testing helps decision-making by formulating beliefs about the world, including people, organisations or other objects, and formally testing these beliefs. In this free course, you will ...

Science, Maths & Technology
Data analysis: visualisations in Excel
Evidence comes in the form of qualitative or quantitative data about the world around you. It is not always obvious, however, how to structure, aggregate, analyse or interpret the data to help you make decisions. In this free course, you will look at how to use data to make decisions in a systematic way using Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel ...

Money & Business
Managing my investments
Gain the skills to manage your investments: analyse portfolio risk and plan your pension, with this free online course.

Society, Politics & Law
Introducing Black leadership
In this free course, you will develop skills to empower yourself as a leader. Guided by the Five Ps model of leadership (person, process, position, product and purpose), you will learn about the challenges and possibilities of Black leadership. Developing skills in communication, critical analysis and teamwork will promote competence in a wide ...

Education & Development
Inclusive Leadership: Collaborating for professional development
This free course will enable leaders and aspiring leaders in a range of educational settings to consider different approaches to leading inclusive professional development. Students will be introduced to concepts and practices for collaborative enquiry and contextually relevant professional development. They will be encouraged to reflect on how ...

Education & Development
Inclusive Leadership: Effecting change
This free course will enable leaders and aspiring leaders in a range of educational settings to reflect on key concepts for inclusive leadership. They will be introduced to the influence of values and emotions in leadership and consider how underpinning principles of social justice can change leadership relationships and interactions. Students ...

Money & Business
Gweithio hybrid: llesiant a chynhwysiant
Sut mae eich gweithlu yn teimlo? Pa effaith gafodd y 'newid i weithio ar-lein' ar ôl COVID-19, a'r ymarfer a phrosesau sydd wedi dilyn, ar lesiant staff? Bydd y cwrs hwn yn archwilio'r hyn a olygir gan lesiant yn y gweithle mewn byd gweithio hybrid - pwy sydd â'r cyfrifoldeb ohono, yr heriau a wynebir wrth ei greu a'i gynnal, a'r buddiannau i'ch...