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Getting started with German 2
Getting started with German 2

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3 What do you like to eat?

Now have a go at Activity 3.

Activity 3

Part 1

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Part 2

There were a couple of new words in this activity. Can you guess their meaning?

  • im Restaurant

  • griechisch


im Restaurant – in/at a restaurant

griechisch – Greek

Part 3

Now, use your language notebook to write your own answers to the following questions. You will need to decide which of the variations of gern that were introduced in the previous secton you wish to use.

You can see a model answer for each question in the feedback. This should help you check that the general structure of your sentences is correct, but your response to the questions might look quite different.

  1. Essen Sie gern Käse? (Do you like to eat cheese?)
  2. Trinken Sie gern Kaffee? (Do like to drink coffee?)
  3. Kochen Sie gern italienisch? (Do you like to cook Italian food?)
  4. Gehen Sie gern ins Restaurant? (Do you like go to a restaurant?)


Here are some model answers. Please note that your answers may vary from the models given.

  1. Ich esse nicht so gern Käse.
  2. Ich trinke überhaupt nicht gern Kaffee.
  3. Ich koche gern italienisch.
  4. Ich gehe sehr gern ins Restaurant.