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Getting started with German 2
Getting started with German 2

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5 Was essen Sie zum Frühstück?

Now you are equipped with a lot of new vocabulary and know the forms of the verb essen, you can focus on speaking about breakfast. Use the audio in Activity 6 to practise asking questions and responding to them.

Focus in particular on the pronunciation of any new words. Do this activity several times until you are happy with the pronunciation and you feel your answer sounds natural. Then record yourself using a mobile device and check the recording to see if you need to keep working on your pronunciation.

Activity 6

Part 1

Listen to the questions and answers on the audio and repeat what you hear.

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Part 2

Now go back to your notes from the previous section. There you answered the question:

Was essen Sie zum Frühstück?

Record your answer. Why not talk about other people too? What about your partner, siblings, parents, friends or children? What do they have for breakfast? Say out loud a few sentences about their eating habits and then record yourself. You might want to take a few notes first (in particular to remind yourself of the correct forms of essen you will need.)

Here is an example for how you could start.

Ich esse Toast mit Marmelade zum Frühstück und ich trinke Tee. Aber meine Kinder essen Cornflakes mit Milch und trinken Orangensaft. Mein Mann isst….