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Getting started with Italian 3
Getting started with Italian 3

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Whatever your reasons for learning Italian, this two-week course gives you a chance to start a new exciting learning experience or to continue learning in Italian. You will have the opportunity to learn how to talk about travel times and ask about arrival and departure times. You will also find out about trains in Italy and learn vocabulary for talking about different types of trains.

Each week comprises 3–4 hours of interactive activities, explanations, exercises and tips about language learning. It’s a good idea to keep notes either in a notebook or on your preferred digital device. Each week you’ll be encouraged to revise your notes and to add new vocabulary to your language notebook and decide how best you can memorise and practise key phrases and vocabulary. There is also a weekly quiz for you to practise what you’ve been learning.

It’s also a very good idea to involve your family and friends; let them know you’ve decided to start learning Italian and maybe they can help you or leave you in peace when you need to study.

Buon lavoro!