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All my own work: exploring academic integrity
All my own work: exploring academic integrity

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1 What is plagiarism?

To begin, you will consider what you understand by the term ‘plagiarism’.

Zoomed in photo of the word ‘plagiarism’ in a dictionary.

Activity 1

Timing: Allow approximately 5 minutes.

What do you think is meant by the term ‘plagiarism’? Spend a few minutes jotting down your thoughts.


You have probably been taught about plagiarism before or have a basic understanding of what it is: namely the use of other people’s material in your work without appropriate attribution. You have probably also been told that you shouldn’t do it, and that to do so is likely to result in some penalties. You may not have previously explored how it can arise, or what you can do to avoid it.

As explained in the Introduction and overview, this course will help you to consider why plagiarism is considered so seriously. To start this, you will take a step back and consider plagiarism in the context of everyday life and non-academic settings.