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Applying to study for a PhD in psychology
Applying to study for a PhD in psychology

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Session 2: Beginning the process


The second part of this OpenLearn course looks shorter than the first but it introduces a series of tasks that will be more time-consuming. In Session 1, you gained some understanding of the PhD study experience, you familiarised yourself with the application process for a PhD in psychology, and you checked that you are suitably qualified. Session 2 assumes that you are now starting on the actual application procedures towards acceptance and registration. The sections in Session 2 guide you through planning and searching, refining your research topic, then writing the documents required in the process and preparing for an interview.

To begin the process, there are several tasks to undertake. These don’t have to be done in order, and it will actually be an advantage to work on them at the same time.

Photograph of a bookcase wth books also piled onto the floor.