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4.2.8 Adjusting technologies

Organisations must adjust the technologies that are used across the infrastructure and applications. The table provies more information.

Table 8 Adjusting technologies
Standard infastructureResponsive softwareHolistic security
This refers to establishing and implementing standardised protocols and coordinating services in an end-to-end IP environment. This helps reduce, or eliminate, the costs associated with legacy systems. It also creates seamless integration across autonomous departments, which allows for increased collaboration, rapid delivery of information, and end-to-end management and security.This requires, through an application-centric approach, enabling the infrastructure to automatically and rapidly detect, and adapt to, traffic demands and flows. This allows the infrastructure to react to changing conditions and potential issues, without compromising security or availability. A large part of an application-centric approach is establishing what information is virtualised, what moves into the Cloud, and what stays within the Fog.This refers to securing a network infrastructure from end-to-end. It includes enabling technologies that can monitor network operations and automatically detect and mitigate threats. It simultaneously ensures confidentiality, integrity, and availability of any information that is transmitted across the network.