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Entrepreneurship – from ideas to reality
Entrepreneurship – from ideas to reality

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Session 6: Aligning resources to opportunities


How do you ensure that you are playing to your strengths? How can you be sure that you are maximising your chances of success? The answers to these often come down to how well you analyse opportunities, how objective you are about the context you are operating in and of course good judgement and good luck.

Having examined what your value proposition might be in the previous session, you will now consider how you can align the resources you have and develop the capabilities of your enterprise.

This session takes a traditional approach as it focuses on the fit between the external environment and the internal environment – that which you are creating. You will start by looking outside your business environment. Then you will concentrate on the internal environment, which will be the main focus of this session. While the external environment is very important, there are many excellent online resources already in existence to help you understand it. The potential for the resources and capabilities of your enterprise to be a source of innovation or competitive advantage is vital.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • apply an environmental analysis to spotting opportunities or threats to your idea
  • recognise the kind of transformation processes that occur in your enterprise
  • recognise the kinds of resources and capabilities you have or might look to develop
  • appreciate the alignment of those resources and capabilities and their potential as a source for innovation and sustaining a competitive advantage.