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Internet of everything
Internet of everything

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4.1.4 M2M, M2P, P2P interacting to form solutions

Implementing an IoE solution using M2M, M2P and P2P connections, provides organisations and individuals with actionable insights and seamless automation.

For example, consider how a business that sells metallic, purple phone covers, might benefit from these interactions should a sudden spike in demand occur. Analytics first pick up indications of this trend for that product and color on social media. That business predicts the change in demand. M2M, M2P, and P2P connections can prompt factories and suppliers to ramp up production of this metallic, purple phone cover.

As IT and OT converge, all aspects of the supply chain are connected. Through wireless sensors and networked mobility, companies gain immediate visibility into every aspect of the product cycle, from initial consumer interest to post-purchase feedback:

  • consumer interest informed by checkout process, carts and shelves, post-purchase feedback
  • inventory informed by loading docks, stock shelves, and warehouses
  • logistics informed by trucks and trains
  • production informed by factory floors and machines.

Table 4 shows how the interaction of the devices and people might occur.

Table _unit4.1.4 Table 4 Interaction process
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Customers talk to companies through purchase habits and online feedback. Companies talk to supply chain management channels. Supply chain management systems talk to machines on the factory floor. Machines on the factory floor talk to the suppliers of raw materials. Suppliers of raw materials inform supply chain management channels of the shipment of raw materials.

With IoE, there is the potential of providing connections all the way back to the mines and drilling operations, where raw materials are extracted from the ground. Those mines, which are the start of the production value chain, illustrate the IoE’s value, particularly its ability to offer predictive insights.