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Teaching mathematics
Teaching mathematics

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Further reading

Data sets for investigation can be found on the Office for National Statistics website: [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
The article ‘Enriching Data Handling, which includes some practical ideas for the classroom, can be found here: 5449
Battista, M.T. (2006) ‘Understanding the development of students’ thinking about length’, Teaching Children Mathematics, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 140–7.
Swift, J. (1726) Gulliver’s Travels [Online]. Available at / (Accessed 1 February 2019)..
Watson, A., Jones, K. and Pratt, D. (2013) Key Ideas in Teaching Mathematics, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Arcavi, Abraham, Drijvers, Paul and Stacey, Kaye (2017) The learning and teaching of algebra: ideas, insights. and activities, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY, Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Kieran, Carolyn, Pang, JeongSuk, Schifter, Deborah and Ng, Swee Fong (2016) Early Algebra, ICME-13 Topical Surveys, Cham, Springer International Publishing, [online] Available from: 10.1007/ 978-3-319-32258-2 (Accessed 30 March 2018).
Data sets for investigation can be found on the Office for National Statistics website:
The article ‘Enriching Data Handling, which includes some practical ideas for the classroom, can be found here: 5449
This article on Manipulatives in the Primary Classroom by Jenni Back can be found on the NRich website here: 10461
This research support provides further in-depth reading on how children learn number: sites/ default/ files/ P2.pdf
This is the reference for the article by Richard Skemp:
Skemp, R. (1973). ‘Relational versus instrumental understanding. Mathematics Teaching’, vol. 77, pp.20–26.
This link takes you to an nrich web page with different methods of multiplication demonstrated: 5612
This is the link to an nrich article on developing the conceptual understanding of division: 5450
The website has lots of articles and activities about place value:
A story about absolutely nothing: 5598
Arrange the digits: 1976
Orange drink problem and solution: 2420/ note
Golden ratio activities: 7668
The online Cuisenaire ‘environment’ can be found here: 4348
There are a range of mathematical problems relating ratio and proportion to STEM applications here: 9003
Bruner, J. (1966) Toward a Theory of Instruction, Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
Peet, M. (2012) Tamar, London, Walker Books.
Radford, L. (2014) ‘The Progressive Development of Early Embodied Algebraic Thinking’, Mathematics Education Research Journal, 26(2), pp. 257–277.