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Effective communication in the workplace
Effective communication in the workplace

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Week 1
Baker, T. (no date) ‘Nine barriers to effective workplace communication’, IIDM [Online]. Available at expert_talk/ expert-talk-categories/ managing-people/ staff_communication/ id3264-nine-barriers-to-effective-workplace-communication.html [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Clampitt, P.G. and Girard, D. (1993) ‘Communication satisfaction: A useful construct?’, New Jersey Journal of Communication, vol 1, no. 2, pp. 84–102 [Online]. Available at wp-content/ themes/ Structure%20Premium%20White/ organic_structure_white/ downloads/ Metacomm_UsefulConstruct.pdf (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Ibrahim, M.M., El-Khedr, S.M. and Nosek, L.J. (2013) ‘Effective communication and job satisfaction among staff nurses working in paediatric intensive care units’, Life Science Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 2661–2669 [Online]. Available at publication/ 261359002_Effective_Communication_and_Job_Satisfaction_among_Staff_Nurses_Working_in_Pediatric_Intensive_Care_Units (Accessed 10 July 2019).
UK VIP (n.d.) ‘The four basic styles of communication’, University of Kentucky Violence Intervention and Prevention Centre [Online]. Available at hr/ sites/ files/ wellness/ images/ Conf14_FourCommStyles.pdf (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Woods, D. (2010) ‘Poor communication between managers and employees wastes time and impacts productivity’, HR [Online]. Available at article-details/ poor-communication-between-managers-and-employees-wastes-time-and-impacts-productivity (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Week 2
Horowitz, S. (2012) ‘The science and art of listening’, New York Times [Online]. Available at 2012/ 11/ 11/ opinion/ sunday/ why-listening-is-so-much-more-than-hearing.html (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Mosaic projects (no author, n.d.) ‘Active listening and effective questioning’ [Online]. Available at WhitePapers/ WP1012_Active_Listening.pdf (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Rogers, C.R. and Farson, R.E. (2015 reprint of 1957 edition) ‘Section One: The meaning of active listening. p1’, Active Listening, CT, USA, Martino Publishing.
Sobel, A. (no date) ‘Eight ways to improve your empathy’ [Online]. Available at eight-ways-to-improve-your-empathy/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Week 3
Baer, D. (2014) ‘17 tactics for reading people’s body language’, Entrepreneur [Online]. Available at article/ 239840 (Accessed 15 February 2019).
Mitchell, O. (no date) ‘Mehrabian and nonverbal communication’ [Online]. Available at presentation-myths/ mehrabian-nonverbal-communication-research/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Morrissy-Swan, T. (2018) ‘What your handshake says about you’, The Telegraph [Online]. Available at men/ the-filter/ handshake-says/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Thompson, N. (1996) People Skills: A Guide to Effective Practice in the Human Services, Basingstoke, Macmillan.
NHS Moodzone (no date) ‘Breathing exercise for stress’ [Online]. Available at conditions/ stress-anxiety-depression/ ways-relieve-stress/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Week 4
AITO Corporation (no date) ‘Four types of verbal communication’ [Online]. Available at index.php/ careers/ 60-latest-vacancies.html (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Ford, J.D. and Ford, L. (2009) ‘The Four Conversations: daily communication that gets results’, Berret-Koehler, CA, USA [Online]. Available at (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Kislik, L. (2012) ‘Techniques that will help you speak truth to power’, Kislik Associates blogpost [Online]. Available at speaking-truth-to-power-part-v-when-youre-ready-to-lay-it-on-the-line/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Quain, S. (2018) ‘Examples of verbal communication in the workplace’, Chron [Online]. Available at examples-verbal-communication-workplace-10936.html (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Week 5
McCoy, J. (2017) ‘A handy dandy guide on how to write social media posts: best practices, length and more’ Express Writers [Online]. Available at how-to-write-social-media-posts/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Radicati Group (2015) ‘Email statistics report 2015–2019’ [Online]. Available at wp/ wp-content/ uploads/ 2015/ 02/ Email-Statistics-Report-2015-2019-Executive-Summary.pdf (Accessed 10 July 2019).
University of Washington, (n.d.) ‘Effective use of language’ [Online]. Available at ezent/ el.htm (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Wasserman, T. (2012) ‘Email takes up 28% of workers’s time’, Mashable UK [Online]. Available at 2012/ 08/ 01/ email-workers-time/ ?europe=true#52ghMxAiJEqS (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Week 6
Fisher, C. (1997) ‘What do people feel and how should we measure it?’, School of Business Discussion Papers [Online]. Available at profile/ Cynthia_Fisher2/ publication/ 27828162_What_do_people_feel_and_how_should_we_measure_it/ links/ 00b7d516683db04f97000000.pdf (Accessed 10 July 2019).
McAlpine, S. (2014) ‘20 ways to challenge effectively’, The Art of Leadership blog [Online]. Available at 20-ways-to-challenge-effectively/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Mind Tools Content Team (no date) ‘Managing your emotions at work’ [Online]. Available at pages/ article/ newCDV_41.htm (Accessed 10 July 2019).
New England College (n.d.) ‘5 ways to successfully deliver bad news at work’, blogpost [Online]. Available at resources/ business-administration/ 5-ways-to-successfully-deliver-bad-news-at-work/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Week 7
Ahmed, A. (2018) ‘Types of workplace diversity’, Bizfluent [Online]. Available at facts-5618840-types-workplace-diversity.html (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Department of Work and Pensions (2018) ‘Employing disabled people and people with health conditions’ [Online]. Available at:  government/  publications/  employing-disabled-people-and-people-with-health-conditions/  employing-disabled-people-and-people-with-health-conditions (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Murray, R. (2017) ‘Communication among different generations’ [Online]. Available at communication-among-different-generations/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
NHS (2017) ‘Work and disability’ [Online]. Available at conditions/ social-care-and-support-guide/ money-work-and-benefits/ work-and-disability (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Radar (n.d.)‘Doing careers differently: how to make a success of your career while living with a disability or health condition’ [Online]. Available at sites/ default/ files/ pdf/ Doing%20Careers%20Differently.pdf (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Scope Campaign Team (n.d.) ‘End the awkward’ [Online]. Available at campaigns/ end-the-awkward (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Week 8
Arruda, W. (2017) ‘What LinkedIn will look like in the future - and the actions you need to take now’, Forbes blogpost [Online]. Available at sites/ williamarruda/ 2017/ 06/ 30/ what-linkedin-will-look-like-in-the-future-and-the-actions-you-need-to-take-now/ #3fd3b0bd5c6f (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Bednarz, K. (2016) ‘11 tips for effective communication through Skype’, LinkedIn blogpost [Online]. Available at pulse/ effective-communication-through-skype-katherin-bednarz (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Benjamin, T. (n.d.) ‘How to effectively communicate remotely’, Chron blogpost [Online]. Available at effectively-communicate-remotely-33662.html (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Dorsey, K. (2017) ‘The 10 pros and cons about working from home that you need to know right now’, blogpost [Online]. Available at news/ 10-pros-cons-working-home-10455197 (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Fisher, C. (2017) ‘Ready for the robots: survey says job candidates are mostly okay with AI Apps in the application process’, Allegis blogpost [Online]’ Available at ready-for-the-robots-survey-says-job-candidates-are-mostly-okay-with-ai-apps-in-the-application-process (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Grainger, C. (n.d.) ‘How to write a compelling LinkedIn profile summary that gets noticed’, TopCV blogpost [Online]. Available at career-advice/ linkedin-profile-summary (Accessed 10 July 2019).
NFON (2018) ‘4 reasons why generation Z brings a human communication style to the workplace’, blogpost [Online]. Available at en/ news/ press/ blog/ blog-detail/ 4-reasons-why-generation-z-brings-a-human-communication-style-to-the-workplace (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Pierce, D. (2018) ‘Step into your new virtual office’, Wired blogpost [Online]. Available at story/ augmented-reality-in-the-workplace/ (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Rycraft, S. (2018) ‘7 benefits of using LinkedIn’, LinkedIn blogpost [Online]. Available at pulse/ 7-benefits-using-linkedin-sarah-rycraft (Accessed 10 July 2019).
Sawa, D. (2019) ‘Extreme loneliness or the perfect balance? How to work from home and stay healthy’, The Guardian Health & Wellbeing [Online]. Available at lifeandstyle/ 2019/ mar/ 25/ extreme-loneliness-or-the-perfect-balance-how-to-work-from-home-and-stay-healthy (Accessed 10 July 2019).