Joseph Chikelue Obi (Professor Doctor)'s OpenLearn Profile
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Joseph Chikelue Obi (Professor Doctor)
The Most Excellent Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi GKB - Alternative Medicine Professor , Celebrity (Internet / Online / Mass Media / News / TV / Radio / Film / Theatre / Stage) Physician , Natural Health Expert , Self Care Enthusiast , Chief Wellness Officer (CWO) , Black European (EU) Politician , State Counsellor of Biafraland , Chancellor of the Royal Collegium , ICPS President - and (Fully Licensed + Actively Practising) International Medical Doctor.
Office of the State Counsellor of Biafraland. Government of Biafra. ( | | ). | This Public Profile can also be freely used an Official (Who is) Wiki Bio Data Source for Additional Information About Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi. | Apart from my (Current) Biafran Post , I also continue to Work Internationally as an (Emeritus) Alternative Medicine Professor ; with a Special Professional Interest in the Competent Clinical Management of Minor Ailments , (or Common Clinical Conditions) , with a Unique Therapeutic Blend of (both) African Traditional Medicine (ATM) and Simple OTC (Over-The-Counter) 'Self Care' Interventions.
Furthermore : Thanks to my (Valid) EU (European Union) Medical License, in an (Exceedingly) Sunny Mediterranean Part of Europe, I (Serenely) continue to lawfully practise Humanitarian Medicine, General Travel Medicine, General Clinical Medicine and General Telemedicine (etc) ; particularly around the European Continental (Mainland) Region.
As at the 20th Day of August 2024 , I am still (Gracefully) Hovering Around the Globe - in my other Professional Capacity as Chancellor of the Royal Collegium ; via it's ICPS Non-Profit (Charitable) United Nations (UN) Collaboration Entity in (Delaware) USA (International College of Physicians and Surgeons).
Additional Statutory Information (relating to the Royal Collegium) is as follows :
The Official (Irish) Trademark Certificate Number for Royal Collegium of Physicians and Surgeons (RCPS) is 2608303 (Registered on the 19th Day of January 2023).
The Official (European Union) Trademark Certificate Number for Royal Collegium is 018513350 (Registered on the 23rd Day of December 2021).
The Official (Irish) Trademark Number for Royal College of Alternative Medicine is 230320 (Registered on the 3rd Day of August 2004).
The Official (Irish) Trademark Number for International College of Physicians and Surgeons (ICPS) is 267834 (Registered on the 27th Day of September 2022).
For The Record : Royal College of Alternative Medicine (RCAM) has merged with the International College of Physicians and Surgeons (ICPS) to form the Royal Collegium of Physicians and Surgeons (RCPS).
All New Applicants , (including Honorary Fellows) , Must (Duly) Sit For (and Satisfactorily Pass) the Step 1 Stage of the ICPS Online Professional Assessment Test.
Previous Applicants (via the Former RCAM Method of 'Remote' Seminar Delivery) have included Artificial Intelligence Gurus , University Dropouts , Medical School Dropouts , Rehabilitated Former Prisoners , Reformed Ex-Convicts , College Dropouts , Healthcare App Creators , Medical App Inventors , Fitness App Designers , Pharmacists , Dentists , Doctors , Opticians, Optometrists , Black Sheep , Audiologists , Dental Technicians , Chiropractors , Osteopaths , Nurses , Therapists , Medical Assistants , Clinical Scientists , Medical Laboratory Technologists , Healthcare Professionals , Care Workers , Complementary Health Workers, Nutritionists , Prodigal Medics , Dieticians , Physician Associates (PA's) , Anaesthesia Associates (AA's) , Physician Assistants (PA's) , Anaesthetic Assistants (AA's) , Clinical Assistants (CA's) , Medical Assistants (MA's), Physiotherapists, Psychologists , Occupational Therapists, and Alternative Medicine Practitioners (whether Practising or Semi-Practising or Semi-Retired or Semi-Whatever). Professional Mentorship is Always Available via the (Royal Collegium) Global Network of Accredited Fellows.
Without Wanting to Bore You (Any Further) :I Humbly Suggest that You Directly Connect with Me (via the LinkedIn Social Media Network) , for extra details; most especially if you would genuinely like to participate in (either) our Ongoing (International) Alternative Medicine Campaign , or our Ongoing Regulatory Campaign against Institutional Racism at the General Medical Council (GMC) of the United Kingdom , or our Ongoing Strategic Campaign against Institutional Racism in the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom.
For The Lawful (Public) Record (Most Especially for the Benefit of those University Students who are currently doing Academic Research on Institutional Racism within the UK) : Apart From (All) That which is Included in the Above (About Me) Profile - Please (Furthermore) Be (Rightfully) Advised that I am Also Actively , (and Formidably) , Involved in the Unrepentant (Ethical) Professional (and Regulatory) Rehabilitation of Distressed Medical Students , Embattled Medical Doctors and Maverick Medical Professors ; most especially those who have been Banned , Sanctioned , Warned , Suspended , Erased , Struck-Off, Probed , Quizzed , Shamed , Arrested , Convicted , Jailed , Imprisoned , Detained , Sectioned , Hospitalized , Damned , Written-Off, Condemned , Ostracized , Discriminated Against , Destroyed , Ruined , Deregistered , Sacked , Dismissed , Excluded , Forgotten , Ignored , Sidelined , Humiliated , Victimized , Blackmailed , Harassed , Embarrassed , Blacklisted , Dehumanized and Disgraced (etc).
One of the Basic Steps in this (Eclectically Transformational) Initiative involves a (Very) Simple Online (ICPS-Supervised) Professional Assessment (Appraisal) Test (at - which essentially aims to offer them an Alternative Career Path in Healthcare (Wellness and Wellbeing) Mentoring (pending the Ultimate Return to their Regular Clinical Careers - if they so wish).
The Perennial Shortage of National Health Service (NHS) Doctors in the United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) , most especially due to (Never-Ending) Allegations of Institutional Bias at the General Medical Council (GMC) ; has now become a Major Public Health Hazard , of a Highly Preventable Nature.
British NHS Patients are Dying at Astronomical Rates (partly because of Treatment Delays relating to Unresolved Shortages of UK NHS Doctors).
British Medical Doctors are (Also) Dying at Astronomical Rates (partly because of Profoundly Alarming Number of Suicides relating to Toxic GMC Regulatory Investigations - and Toxic GMC Regulatory Harassment via it's Toxic GMC Press Office which Constantly Feeds such Toxic GMC Regulatory Information to Toxic UK Tabloid Newspaper Outlets , Toxic 'Sensational Sunday News' Houses' plus a wide range of other Toxic Gossipy British Newsrooms - in addition , of course, to the usual 'Five-Faced' Cabals of Unashamedly Toxic 'Headline-Hungry' Journalists who Secretly have Lots and Lots of Carefully Hidden Scandals of Their Very Own , which Most People never ever get to hear about). | | . Alas , Partly Due to (Consistently) Dilute Parliamentary Oversight at Westminster : It is Now Supremely Evident that (Consistently) Unfit UK Medical Regulation is (Consistently) Appearing to be Making Things Far Much Worse than has been (Consistently) Portrayed by the Outrageously Incompetent Regulatory Overseers.
As If That Was Not Enough (in the Landmark Legal Case of Karim v GMC ET 3332128/2018) : An Employment Tribunal in the United Kingdom (UK) has Publicly Denounced the General Medical Council (GMC) as being Systemically Infested with Institutional Racism (as can be clearly read in the following internet links) : | Well Done to the Very Brave British Employment Tribunal ! | | Well Done to the Very Bold Medical Doctor ! | | Well Done to the Erudite Legal Team of the Very Bold Medical Doctor ! | | Well Done to the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) for it's Coverage of the Case ! | | Well Done to the British Medical Association (BMA) which Publicly Supported the Doctor ! | | Well Done to Chequered Professional History of Medical Equality , Medical Diversity & Medical Justice - within the UK ! | |. Apart From That : There is also the Glaring Case of a Former President (Chairman) of the General Medical Council (GMC) , Name Withheld , who has Still Not Been Publicly Investigated by the General Medical Council (GMC) , or Publicly Arrested (and Publicly Probed) by the Police , let alone being Publicly Hurled Before the MPTS (Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service) in Full Public Glare of the Great Unwashed - despite Publicly Admitting , (with His Very Own Presidential Mouth) , to being Responsible for the Preventable Death of an NHS Patient. | | | |. I (Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi) was the One who discovered (Quite) a Number of Deaths relating to that Former GMC President (of 'CATTOGATE' Fame).
Not Just One NHS Death : MANY NHS DEATHS.
Not Just One NHS 'Cover-Up': LOTS OF NHS 'COVER-UPS'.
The (Utterly Shocking) Scale of the ('CATTOGATE') Scandal was Absolutely (and 'Gob-Smackingly') Alarming.
In Fact : THERE WERE SO (VERY) VERY (MANY) MANY (NHS) DEATHS RELATING TO THAT PARTICULAR (FORMER GMC PRESIDENT) DOCTOR - Which , (If I May Politely Say) , isn't Too Shabby for a (Highly) Dedicated Euthanasia (and 'Assisted Dying') Enthusiast , like the Aforementioned (Eminent) Former GMC (General Medical Council) President of Note. | |. It (Still) Remains My Personal Opinion (To Date) that the NHS (Ultimately) Allowed Him to Get Away with Everything - despite being (Repeatedly Made) Aware that 'Something Was Amiss'.
In addition to that , I also (Unsurprisingly) Found that there was also a Repeated (and Concerted) Failure (by the NHS) to Truthfully Disclose the Real Causes of such ('CATTOGATE') Deaths to the (Respective) Families of the Dead Patients.
It was also (Relatively) Unsurprising that the NHS (National Health Service) furthermore (then) also Repeatedly Failed to carry out (Proper) Independent (Forensic) Clinical Audits into All of the NHS Deaths concerning that Former GMC President (Chairman) - most especially when it was 'Bleedingly Obvious' that the Former GMC President (Chairman) had quietly covered up such matters for Relatively Long Periods of Time ; prior to My Independent NHS Medical Probe (and My 'Big GMC Reveal') concerning the Matter.
Needless To Say (Despite All of It's 'Profoundly Cerebral' Talk about Fearlessly Defending NHS Patient Protection , Fearlessly Ensuring NHS Patient Safety and Fearlessly Maintaining the Highest Possible Standards of NHS Patient Care) : The NHS Never (Ever) formally reported Any of such ('CATTOGATE') Deaths to (either) the Police , the Coroners , the NHS Confederation , the (Tabloid / News) Media , the Dangerous Doctors Monitoring Unit , or to (Long-Suffering) Members of the General British Public (at Large) , etc , inter alia.
Of Course : Nobody (Ever) Listened To Me.
Did Anybody at the NHS (Ethically) Care about those Dead ('Cattogate') Patients (or Their Families) ?
Did Anybody at the GMC (Ethically) Care about those Dead ('Cattogate') Patients (or Their Families) ?
Did Anybody at the MPTS (Ethically) Care about those Dead ('Cattogate') Patients (or Their Families) ?
The Police Ignored Me.
The Government Ignored Me.
The Judiciary Ignored Me.
The Palace Ignored Me.
The GMC Ignored Me.
The CHRE (PSA) Ignored Me.
The MPTS Ignored Me.
The Editors of Top Medical Journals Ignored Me (Even the BMJ - British Medical Journal).
The Media (Tabloid / Gossip) Establishment (Obviously) Had a Field Day.
The Search Engines (Sensationally) went into Overdrive.
They All (POLITELY) IMPLIED That I Was Black , Angry , Bitter , Vexatious , and Bizarre.
Instead of the GMC going after it's then President - (who , prior to my Investigation , had , FOR DECADES , Repeatedly Failed to Disclose any of such 'Lethal (Patient-Death) Errors' to either the NHS , or to the GMC , or to the Medical Insurance Societies , or to the Press , or to the Police , or to Any of the Dead Patients Relatives , or Even to the Late Queen Elizabeth II who Graciously Knighted Him for His Totally Unblemished Services to Medicine and Medical Education , etc) - The GMC then ruthlessly sent it's (Vicious) 'Attack Dogs' after Me (Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi).
To Date (in the Year 2024) : That Former GMC President / Chairman , Name Withheld , has Still Not Been Publicly Investigated by the General Medical Council (GMC) , or Publicly Arrested (and Publicly Probed) by the Police , let alone being Publicly Hurled Before the MPTS (Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service) in Full Public Glare of the Great Unwashed - despite Publicly Admitting , (with His Very Own Mouth) , to Being Responsible for the Preventable Death of an Innocent NHS Patient. | |. To Date (as at the Late Summer of the Year 2024) : There is Still No Published NHS (National Health Service) Statement (or Publicly Available Data) which Categorically Claims (or Shows) that the All of the Family Members , of All of the Dead Patients , have been Financially Compensated by the UK Government - concerning such (Historical) 'CATTOGATE' Deaths.
It is Therefore (Fundamentally) Essential for All (Regional and Central) British Governments , (in England , Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland etc) , to Adequately Support (and Judiciously Rehabilitate) All (Present and Future) UK Medical Professionals , (within their Respective Nations) , Who May (or May Not) have Fallen Short of Prevailing (or Historical) Regulatory (or Academic) Standards ; irrespective of the External Colour of Their Skin.
Frequently Importing International Medical Doctors , on an Industrial (Commercial) Scale , from Abroad into the UK , WILL NEVER EVER Solve the (Extremely Alarming) Problem of (Chronic) NHS Doctor Shortages ; most especially when you (Shockingly) have Thousands (and Thousands) of Qualified Medical Doctors who are Already in the UK , but who are Not (Professionally) Working because of (GMC-Related) Institutional Regulatory Racism.
To This Effect (from a Public Health Expert's Point of View) : A Much More Sensible (and Sustainable) Approach would therefore be to Train , Retrain , Retain , Support and Rehabilitate THOSE (COUNTLESS) MEDICAL DOCTORS (AND MEDICAL STUDENTS) WHO ARE ALREADY IN THE UK ; before (Graciously) Looking Elsewhere for Others.
I Would have Really (Really) Loved to (Publicly) Say So Much More about the 'Cattogate' Scandal - But (Alas !) my (Hard-Nosed) Literary Agent has (Already) 'Smelled' Quite a Lot of Mileage in this (Particular) 'Cattogate' Franchise , and has therefore (Thriftily) Advised Me to (Separately) Write a 'Cattogate' Story Book , a 'Cattogate' Novel , a 'Cattogate' (West End) Theatre (Broadway) Play , a 'Cattogate' TV Drama Series , and a 'Cattogate' Film Manuscript Trilogy (etc) ; about All Matters (and Everything Else) relating , (Directly , Indirectly or Otherwise) , to the Utterly Shocking 'Cattogate' Affair.
Of Course : After the 'Cattogate' Scandal is (Totally) 'Milked Dry' (For All That It is Commercially Worth) - A Rapid Succession of other (Spin-Off) 'Cattogate' Franchises will then (Quite Naturally) Follow.
For Example : The 'Graemegate' Scandal , swiftly followed , albeit rather cautiously , by (both) the 'Robertsongate' Scandal - and the 'Dawsongate' Scandal , etc , inter alia , in Equal Measure (To Name Just a Few).
Who Knows ? : I Might even Launch My Very Own Exclusive (VIP) Dermatological (Skin Care) Range of (High End) 'Cattogate' Blemish Concealers and 'Cattogate' (Cover-Up) Skin Foundation Products (too).
Wow (!) : The (Ultimate) 'Cattogate' Possibilities are Absolutely (and Scandalously) Fabulous (!)
(In The Interim) Here are a Few of My Current Roles and Responsibilities (specifically relating to Biafra) :
Chief Public Servant ; of the Government of Biafra.
Head of Governance ; via the Government of Biafra.
Political Leadership ; via the Government of Biafra.
International Diplomacy ; via the Government of Biafra.
Sustaining Diversity ; via the Government of Biafra.
Promoting Equality ; via the Government of Biafra.
Nurturing Justice ; via the Government of Biafra.
Social Empowerment ; via the Government of Biafra.
Peaceful Mediation ; via the Government of Biafra.
Conflict Resolution ; via the Government of Biafra.
Educating Biafrans about the Role of the Government of Biafra.
Ensuring that the Government of Biafra retains it's Status as a Sovereign Entity.
Ensuring that the Government of Biafra retains it's Status as a Supranational Entity.
Ensuring that the Government of Biafra retains it's Status as a Transterritorial Entity.
Reminding Biafrans that the Government of Biafra has Existed for Many Thousands of Years.
Re-iterating to Biafrans that the Government of Biafra preceded the Berlin Conference (1884–85).
Advising Biafrans that the Government of Biafra is Not Subject to the Berlin Conference (1884–85).
Informing Biafrans that the Government of Biafra is Not Party to the Berlin Conference (1884–85).
Empowering Biafrans to realize that the Government of Biafra has never ever had an Interregnum.
Telling Biafrans that the Government of Biafra ACTUALIZED BIAFRA Many Thousands of Years Ago.
Strategic Direction of the Government of Biafra's Plans for Expansion of the Biafran Union.
Robust Appraisal of the Government of Biafra's Plans for Expansion of the Biafran Union.
Full Implementation of the Government of Biafra's Plans for Expansion of the Biafran Union.
About Biafra , the Biafran Union (BU) and the BEA :
The Biafran Union (BU) is a Sovereign , Supranational and Transterritorial Region ; which politically covers Western Biafra (OCCUPIED BY NIGERIA) , Central Biafra , Eastern Biafra , Islar Biafra , the Biafran Diaspora , and the Biafran Economic Area (BEA).
Please kindly contact me directly ; if ever you would (truly) like to know more about the current State of Affairs concerning Biafraland.
In the Interim : I would also (warmly) encourage Everyone to Frequently Write to their (various) Local Legislators (or National Parliamentarians) - and (Ethically) Lobby Them to Formidably Seek an Eminently Peaceful (or Mutually Beneficial) Biafran Solution.
Sincerely , Faithfully and Respectfully ,
The Most Excellent Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi GKB - Alternative Medicine Professor , Celebrity (Internet / Online / Mass Media / News / TV / Radio / Film / Theatre / Stage) Physician , Natural Health Expert , Self Care Enthusiast , Chief Wellness Officer (CWO) , Black European (EU) Politician , State Counsellor of Biafraland , Chancellor of the Royal Collegium , ICPS President - and (Fully Licensed + Actively Practising) International Medical Doctor.
Office of the State Counsellor of Biafraland. Government of Biafra | | | | This Public Profile can also be freely used an Official (Who is) Wiki Bio Data Source for Additional Information About Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi.