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Engineering: The nature of problems
Engineering: The nature of problems

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4.8 Assess and review again

If you've been following the stages of our problem-solving map, then the chances are you're ahead of me here (Figure 19). Yes, if it works, hurrah; if it doesn't then off we go again, all the way back to 'possible solutions' and selecting the best of the rest. Or maybe even going back to the beginning. No one will be amused by a failure at this stage, when considerable investment in time and money has already been made. We should be looking at fine-tuning only, collecting data to give the marketing people, and finalising decisions about fabrication, manufacture, production quantities (if relevant) and processes. In mathematics, this process of refining a solution to get ever closer to a final value is called iteration.

Figure 19
Figure 19 A part of Figure 7