2.3.5 Mixed structures
Teams often have mixed structures:
some members may be employed to work full time on the project and be fully responsible to the project manager. Project managers themselves are usually employed full time.
others may work part time, and be responsible to the project manager only during their time on the project. For example, internal staff may well work on several projects at the same time. Alternatively, an external consultant working on a given project may also be involved in a wider portfolio of activities.
some may be part of a matrix arrangement, whereby their work on the project is overseen by the project manager and they report to their line manager for other matters. Project administrators often function in this way, serving the project for its duration, but having a career path within a wider administrative service.
yet others may be part of a functional hierarchy, undertaking work on the project under their line manager's supervision by negotiation with their project manager. For instance, someone who works in an organisation's legal department may provide the project team with access to legal advice when needed.
In relatively small projects the last two arrangements are a very common way of accessing specialist services that will only be needed from time to time.