Science, Maths & Technology
Point estimation
This free course looks at point estimation, that is, the estimation of the value of the parameter of a statistical model by a single number, a point estimate for the parameter. Section 1 develops some aspects of maximum likelihood estimation. In particular, you will find out how to obtain the maximum likelihood estimator of an unknown parameter,...

Science, Maths & Technology
Exploring depression
This free advanced level course, Exploring depression, serves as an introduction to masters level study in neurosciences and mental health. Focusing on depression, you will consider key issues concerning diagnosis, causes and interventions. You will also begin to explore theoretical models, biological and psychological explanations, and look at ...

Science, Maths & Technology
Introduction to algebra
This free course is an introduction to algebra which builds on the idea of using letters to represent numbers. Section 1 looks at finding, simplifying and using formulas and includes useful tips on learning algebra. Section 2 introduces some of the terminology used in algebra and techniques such as evaluating and checking equivalence of ...

Science, Maths & Technology
IT in everyday life
We now live in a global village where distance is no longer a barrier to commercial or social contact. This free course, IT in everyday life, will enable you to gain an understanding of the information and communication technologies that drive our networked world and how they now permeate our everyday lives.

Science, Maths & Technology
IT: device to device communication
Are you a technophobe? Bluetooth, Ethernet, WiFi; are they terms that mean nothing to you? IT: device to device communication, is a free course that will gently guide you to an understanding of how devices 'talk' to each other and what technologies and processes are involved. You will also look at wired and wireless communication technologies, ...

Science, Maths & Technology
Cell signalling
This free course, Cell signalling, explains the general principles of signal transduction and specifically, how even the simplest organisms can detect and respond to events in their ever-changing environment.

Science, Maths & Technology
Introduction to complex analysis
This free course, Introduction to complex analysis, is an extract from the third level Open University course M337 Complex Analysis, which develops the theory of functions of a complex variable, emphasising their geometric properties and indicating some applications.

Science, Maths & Technology
Preparing for your digital life in the 21st Century
This free course, Preparing for your digital life in the 21st Century, provides a general overview of how digital technology has come to dominate virtually every aspect of the modern world and some guidance on how to prepare for this digital life. It also provides a more detailed explanation of the internal structure and workings of a typical ...

Science, Maths & Technology
Birth of a drug
The search for new medicinal products is one of the major driving forces behind the development and application of new synthetic methods. This free course, Birth of a drug, focuses on a specific case study that follows the development of a drug for the treatment of high blood pressure. It is a particularly good example of the application of ...

Science, Maths & Technology
The oceans
The oceans cover more than 70 per cent of our planet. In this free course, The oceans, you will learn about the depths of the oceans and the properties of the water that fills them, what drives the ocean circulation and how the oceans influence our climate.

Science, Maths & Technology
Everyday maths 2 (Wales)
This free course, Everyday maths 2 (Wales), will build on your existing maths skills and help you to feel more confident tackling the maths you come across in everyday situations.

Nature & Environment
Studying mammals: Return to the water
Some of the most unusual and versatile of all the mammals are the groups that live, feed and reproduce underwater. In this free course, Studying mammals: Return to the water, we will see how these formerly land-based mammals adapted to a return to the water, discussing such challenges as breathing, movement and communication. This is the seventh...