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Results: 199 items

White dwarfs and neutron stars free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Science, Maths & Technology

White dwarfs and neutron stars

Stars live their lives for millions or billions of years but will eventually die. Low mass stars (like the Sun) will end their lives producing so-called planetary nebulae, and leave behind a collapsed core known as a white dwarf. More massive stars will end their lives by exploding and producing a so-called supernova remnant, and leave a neutron...

Free course
6 hrs
Introduction to differentiation free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Introduction to differentiation

This free course is an introduction to differentiation. Section 1 looks at gradients of graphs and introduces differentiation from first principles. Section 2 looks at finding derivatives of simple functions. Section 3 introduces rates of change by looking at real life situations. Section 4 looks at using the derivative of a function to deduce ...

Free course
18 hrs
An introduction to electronics free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Science, Maths & Technology

An introduction to electronics

Electronics is fundamental to modern life. Using an interactive website, videos, and easy-to-use electronic circuit design and simulation software, this free course, An introduction to electronics, will show how electronic devices and systems pervade everything we do, and teach some of the basic ideas.

Free course
10 hrs
An introduction to geology free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Science, Maths & Technology

An introduction to geology

In this free course, An introduction to geology, you will explore basic geological processes, focusing on how, where and why different rocks and natural resources form across the Earth.

Free course
12 hrs
Information security free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Information security

Information security underpins the commercial viability and profitability of enterprises of all sizes and the effectiveness of public sector organisations. This free course begins by explaining why information security and its management are important for any modern organisation and to every individual. You need to be familiar with an ...

Free course
10 hrs
Introducing mammals free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Nature & Environment

Introducing mammals

Mammals come in a bewildering variety of shapes and sizes, and yet all species have some characteristics in common. These similarities justify the inclusion of all such diverse types within the single taxonomic group (or class) called the Mammalia. This free course, Introducing mammals, offers a starting point for the study of mammals. It will ...

Free course
5 hrs
IT in everyday life free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Science, Maths & Technology

IT in everyday life

We now live in a global village where distance is no longer a barrier to commercial or social contact. This free course, IT in everyday life, will enable you to gain an understanding of the information and communication technologies that drive our networked world and how they now permeate our everyday lives.

Free course
4 hrs
An introduction to software development free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Science, Maths & Technology

An introduction to software development

Software development is the practice of organising the design and construction of software, the beating heart of much technology fundamental to our personal and professional life. This free introductory course, An introduction to software development, discusses the engineering nature of software development, its challenges and some ...

Free course
6 hrs
Working with charts, graphs and tables free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Working with charts, graphs and tables

When you come across information represented in charts, graphs and tables, you'll need to know how to interpret this information. This free course, Working with charts, graphs and tables, will help you to develop the skills you need to do this. For further study, there's another course titled 'More working with charts, graphs and tables' which ...

Free course
15 hrs
Understanding antibiotic resistance free course icon level 1: introductory icon Badge icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Understanding antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a serious threat, compromising our ability to treat infections and increasing the risk of routine surgery. Resistant infections are increasing due to overuse of antibiotics and this has resulted in the emergence of 'superbugs' (bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics). This free course, Understanding antibiotic ...

Free course
24 hrs
Prices, location and spread free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Prices, location and spread

The free course, Prices, location and spread, explores aspects of the question Are people getting better or worse off? It covers statistical measures characterising the location of a batch of data (the median and the mean), and looks further at weighted means and at the interquartile range as a measure of spread (variability). Boxplots and ...

Free course
18 hrs
An introduction to web applications architecture free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Science, Maths & Technology

An introduction to web applications architecture

This free course, An introduction to web applications architecture, provides an overview of the design and implementation of computer software that runs on web servers, instead of those running solely on desktop computers, laptops or mobile devices.

Free course
8 hrs