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Using a scientific calculator
Using a scientific calculator

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12.1 Display indicators

These are symbols shown on the calculator display to indicate its current state of operation.

Symbol on display Meaning

The key has been pressed.

The key has been pressed.


A value is stored in the ‘M’ memory.


The STORE key ((STO)) has been pressed.


The RECALL () key has been pressed.

The calculator is set to measure angles in degrees.

The calculator is set to measure angles in radians.

The calculator is set to measure angles in gradians.


The calculator is set to display answers to a fixed number of decimal places.


The calculator is set to display answers in scientific notation with a fixed number of significant figures.


The calculator is set to use Math mode for input and display.


The calculator is in statistics mode.

There is more information available than can be displayed, and this can be accessed using the up/down cursor keys.

The line displayed is longer than can fit on the display. Other parts of the line can be displayed by scrolling using the left/right cursor keys: and .