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The formation of exoplanets
The formation of exoplanets

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2.4 The isolation mass

Once the oligarchic growth phase is over, the resulting embryos are relatively isolated and on initially circular orbits. They continue growing into planetary cores, by accreting the nearby leftover planetesimals within a feeding zone which extends a distance Δa either side of the planetary core. We may write the radius of this feeding zone as Δa = CRHill, where C is a constant and RHill is the Hill radius, defined as:

cap r sub Hill equals left parenthesis cap m sub p divided by three times cap m sub asterisk operator right parenthesis super one solidus three times a full stop
Equation label: (Equation 20)

Here, Mp is the mass of the planetary core, M* is the mass of the star and a is the radius of the orbit. The Hill radius is defined as the distance from the planetary core at which its gravitational force dominates over that of the star.

The growth of the cores continues until all the neighbouring planetesimals have been consumed. At this point, the mass of the core reaches the isolation mass Miso, defined as the total mass of the planetesimals within the feeding zone.

cap m sub normal i times normal s times normal o equals eight divided by Square root of three times left parenthesis pi times cap sigma times cap c right parenthesis super three solidus two times a cubed divided by cap m sub asterisk operator super one solidus two full stop
Equation label: (Equation 21)

The origin of Equation 21 is explored in the next activity.

Activity 5

  • a.Write down an expression for the mass of planetesimals within the feeding zone in terms of the disc surface density Σ, distance to the central star a and feeding zone width Δa. Hence, derive Equation 21.

  • b.Use Equation 21 to evaluate Miso in the terrestrial planets region at a = 1.0 au and in the Jovian planets region at aJup = 5.2 au, for M* = 1 M, Σ = 100 kg m-2 and C = 2√3.


  • a.The mass of planetesimals within the feeding zone is the area of the annulus with width 2Δa at a radius a, multiplied by the surface density. Hence,

    cap m sub iso equals two times pi times a multiplication two times normal cap delta times a multiplication cap sigma full stop

    The width of the feeding zone is defined in terms of the Hill radius of the resulting planetary core (Equation 20) as Δa = CRHill. Therefore, once this mass is all contained within a single core, its mass is given by

    cap m sub iso equals four times pi times a squared times cap sigma times cap c times left parenthesis cap m sub iso divided by three times cap m sub asterisk operator right parenthesis super one solidus three full stop

    This simplifies to

    cap m sub iso super two solidus three equals four times pi times a squared times cap sigma times cap c divided by left parenthesis three times cap m sub asterisk operator right parenthesis super one solidus three comma

    which may be rearranged to give the requested expression.

  • b.In the terrestrial planets region (where a = a = 1.0 au), this gives

    cap m sub iso equals eight divided by Square root of three multiplication left parenthesis pi multiplication 100 times kg m super negative two multiplication two times Square root of three right parenthesis super three solidus two multiplication left parenthesis 1.496 multiplication 10 super 11 m right parenthesis cubed divided by left parenthesis 1.99 multiplication 10 super 30 kg right parenthesis super one solidus two
    cap m sub iso equals 3.94 multiplication 10 super 23 kg full stop

    (This is about 0.066 times the mass of the Earth, or around the mass of Mercury.)

    Similarly, at the distance of Jovian planets (where a = aJup = 5.2 au), Equation 21 gives an isolation mass that is (5.2)3 larger. Hence,

    cap m sub iso equals 5.53 multiplication 10 super 25 kg

    (This is about 9.3 times the mass of the Earth, which is around half the mass of Neptune.)

As shown in Activity 5, the fact that Misoa3 means that more massive cores up to several Earth masses can form at larger distances from the central star. However, at a ~ 10 au the speed of the planetesimals is too high for the collisions to lead to accretion, so it becomes increasingly hard to build massive planetary cores.

Planetary cores formed in this way will have sizes from around that of Mercury (with radius a few thousand kilometres) to several times that of the Earth (with radius a few tens of thousand kilometres).

Activity 6

Summarise the typical sizes of objects involved in the various stages of the core-accretion scenario.


Initially, the particles are dust grains with a typical size of a micron or less which coagulate into millimetre-sized aggregates. These accumulate into rocks that are around one metre in size, which grow further into kilometre-sized planetesimals. Gravitational focusing helps these grow into planetary embryos with sizes and masses around that of the Moon, Mercury or Mars. These then become planetary cores by accreting leftover planetesimals within their feeding zone to reach a mass and size of a few times that of the Earth.