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Toys and engineering materials
Toys and engineering materials

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2.3.2 Manufacturing composites

This activity asks you to locate a product and analyse its properties.

Activity 4 Composites

Timing: Allow about 15 minutes

Do some online research to try and identify a toy or game that includes CFRP or other composite parts. Write a couple of sentences about the product, stating which part of the game or toy uses the composite.


As an example answer, roller skate wheels are often manufactured from composites. Composites can be very strong to carry the mass of the user, but are light and durable.

In addition, roller skates use a composite material to allow braking without the use of brake pads. Each composite wheel includes a centre section formed of hard material, such as high-density polyethylene. This has a low rolling friction that promotes efficient rolling. On either side of the central section the wheels comprise a soft material, such as polyurethane, that will form a high friction contact with the ground. To brake, the skater rotates the skates creating an angle to the direction of travel. This allows the softer material to interact with the ground, slowing the motion.