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White dwarfs and neutron stars
White dwarfs and neutron stars

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3.3 Fermions

Electrons, along with protons and neutrons, are fermions, which means they have particle spin equals prefix plus minus of one solidus two . The occupation of quantum states by fermions is restricted by the Pauli exclusion principle, which says that no more than one identical fermion can occupy a given quantum state. The only way to distinguish one fermion from another of the same particle is its spin, and because this has only two possible values, +1/2 or –1/2, at most two fermions of opposite spin can occupy a given quantum state, so that the number of fermions per quantum state is gs = 2.

At low temperatures, all quantum states with energy less than their chemical potential are filled, and all quantum states with energy greater than their chemical potential are empty. In a cold electron gas, the energy of the most energetic degenerate electron is called the Fermi energy, EF, and the momentum of particles with this energy is called the Fermi momentum, pF. The Fermi energy is the sum of a particle’s kinetic energy and rest-mass energy. At low speeds, in the so-called non-relativistic limit, the Fermi kinetic energy and Fermi momentum for electrons are related by

cap e sub cap f equals p sub cap f squared solidus two times m sub e
Equation label: (6)

where me is the electron mass. The total number of degenerate electrons in the gas is evaluated as

cap n sub e equals four times pi times g sub s times cap v divided by three times h cubed times p sub cap f cubed full stop
Equation label: (7)

Because the number density of degenerate electrons is simply the total number of electrons per unit volume, n sub e equals cap n sub e solidus cap v , and there are two spin states for electrons (gs = 2), this equation can be rearranged to express the magnitude of the Fermi momentum as

p sub cap f equals left parenthesis three times n sub e divided by eight times pi right parenthesis super one solidus three times h full stop
Equation label: (8)
  • Combine Equations (6) and (8) to express the Fermi kinetic energy in terms of the electron number density.

  • For electrons we have

    equation sequence part 1 cap e sub cap f equals part 2 p sub cap f squared divided by two times m sub e equals part 3 left parenthesis three times n sub e divided by eight times pi right parenthesis super two solidus three times h squared divided by two times m sub e full stop

Fermi energies are conveniently expressed in units of eV, keV or MeV. For comparison, the gap between atomic energy levels in a hydrogen atom is a few eV, the rest mass energy of an electron is 511 keV and that of a proton or neutron is about 940 MeV.