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White dwarfs and neutron stars
White dwarfs and neutron stars

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3.5 The pressure of an ultra-relativistic degenerate gas

We can also develop a similar expression for the equation of state for ultra-relativistic particles (i.e. when v ~ c). In this case, the total energy of the gas may be expressed as

cap e sub UR equals three divided by four times cap n sub e times p sub cap f times c full stop
Equation label: (11)

Because, in this case, the rest-mass energy is negligible, the kinetic energy per particle is three times p sub cap f times c solidus four . Furthermore, the kinetic energy per unit volume is (once again) the kinetic energy per particle multiplied by the number of particles per unit volume. So the kinetic energy per unit volume is three times p sub cap f times n sub e times c solidus four .

Now, it turns out that the pressure provided by ultra-relativistic particles is 1/3 of the kinetic energy per unit volume, so

equation sequence part 1 cap p sub UR equals part 2 one divided by three multiplication three times p sub cap f times n sub e times c divided by four equals part 3 n sub e times p sub cap f times c divided by four full stop

Then using Equation (8) we have

equation sequence part 1 cap p sub UR equals part 2 n sub e times c divided by four multiplication left parenthesis three times n sub e divided by eight times pi right parenthesis super one solidus three times h equals part 3 h times c divided by four times left parenthesis three divided by eight times pi right parenthesis super one solidus three times n sub e super four solidus three full stop

The equation of state for ultra-relativistic degenerate electrons may therefore be written as follows:

cap p sub UR equals cap k sub UR times n sub e super four solidus three where cap k sub UR equals h times c divided by four times left parenthesis three divided by eight times pi right parenthesis super one solidus three full stop
Equation label: (12)

Notice that the equations of state for degenerate electrons, whether non-relativistic or ultra-relativistic (or, indeed, somewhere in between), show that the pressure is independent of temperature and depends in each case only on the number density of electrons. In both the non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic cases, it is the independence of the pressure from the temperature that helps give a degenerate gas its interesting properties.

  • What is the key difference between the equation of state for a non-relativistic electron-degenerate gas and that of an ultra-relativistic electron-degenerate gas?

  • The pressure of an ultra-relativistic electron-degenerate gas has a weaker dependence on density than that of a non-relativistic gas (i.e. cap p sub UR proportional to n sub e super four solidus three compared to cap p sub NR proportional to n sub e super five solidus three ). So as the density increases, the pressure in an ultra-relativistic gas increases less markedly.

Whether the gas of electrons is considered to be non-relativistic or ultra-relativistic, it is clear that white dwarfs are supported against further collapse by electron degeneracy pressure. Notice that the equations of state for a degenerate gas (whether non-relativistic or ultra-relativistic) show that the electron degeneracy pressure does not depend on temperature. This is quite different from a so-called ideal gas (which is a good approximation for most normal gases) where the equation of state is cap p equals n times k sub cap b times cap t , where n is the particle number density, kB is Boltzmann’s constant and T is the temperature. This decoupling of pressure and temperature in a degenerate gas is what is responsible for many of the unusual properties of white dwarfs.