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White dwarfs and neutron stars
White dwarfs and neutron stars

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4.1 The electron density

Because we will be considering electron degeneracy, we begin by deriving a new way of expressing the electron density. The general equation for the number density n of some type of particle is n equals rho times cap x solidus m , where ρ is the gas density, X is the mass fraction and m is the particle mass.

We can write this for electrons just as easily as for nucleons: n sub e equals rho times cap x sub e solidus m sub e . However, it is more convenient to write cap x sub e identical to cap y sub e times m sub e solidus m sub cap h where Ye is the number of electrons per nucleon. This leads to the expression

n sub e equals rho times cap y sub e solidus m sub cap h full stop
Equation label: (13)
  • What is the value of Ye in: (a) pure ionised hydrogen; (b) pure ionised helium?

  • (a) Hydrogen has one electron and one nucleon (its proton), so Ye = 1; (b) helium has two electrons and four nucleons (two protons and two neutrons), so Ye = 0.5.

You can readily convince yourself that Ye = 0.5 for the dominant isotopes of carbon-12 and oxygen-16 also (since carbon-12 has 12 nucleons and 6 electrons, while oxygen-16 has 16 nucleons and 8 electrons). For white dwarfs, the amount of hydrogen is negligible – it has all been burnt to helium or on to carbon and/or oxygen – so Ye = 0.5 for white dwarfs also.

For an electron-degenerate gas, you know that the pressure is independent of temperature, and is given by a constant multiplied by some power of the electron density. Using Equation 13, we can therefore write:

  • for non-relativistic gas, cap p sub NR equals cap k sub NR times left parenthesis rho times cap y sub e solidus m sub cap h right parenthesis super five solidus three .
  • for ultra-relativistic gas, cap p sub UR equals cap k sub UR times left parenthesis rho times cap y sub e solidus m sub cap h right parenthesis super four solidus three

The so-called Clayton model for the internal structure of a star gives the core pressure required to support a star in terms of its core density as:

cap p sub c almost equals left parenthesis pi solidus 36 right parenthesis super one solidus three times cap g times cap m super two solidus three times rho sub c super four solidus three full stop
Equation label: (14)

Here G is Newton’s gravitational constant ( equals 6.67 multiplication 10 super negative 11 cap n m super two kg super negative two ). By saying that degenerate electrons provide the required internal pressure to support the star, that is, by equating this to the degenerate-electron pressure, it is possible to write these equations purely in terms of the mass and core density, which therefore allows us to write one variable in terms of the other, as the following activity demonstrates.

Activity 4

  • a.By equating the core pressure in a star to the degenerate pressure of non-relativistic electrons, derive an expression for the core density in terms of its mass M and the number of electrons per nucleon, Ye. Leave physical constants unevaluated.

  • b.Using the relation between electron number density ne and gas density ρc in the core of the star, express the core electron density as a function of stellar mass.


  • a.Equating the core pressure cap p sub c equals left parenthesis pi solidus 36 right parenthesis super one solidus three times cap g times cap m super two solidus three times rho sub c super four solidus three to the pressure of non-relativistic degenerate electrons cap p sub NR equals cap k sub NR times left parenthesis rho sub c times cap y sub e solidus m sub cap h right parenthesis super five solidus three , where cap k sub NR equals h squared divided by five times m sub e times left parenthesis three divided by eight times pi right parenthesis super two solidus three , we have

    cap k sub NR times left parenthesis rho sub c times cap y sub e solidus m sub cap h right parenthesis super five solidus three equals left parenthesis pi solidus 36 right parenthesis super one solidus three times cap g times cap m super two solidus three times rho sub c super four solidus three full stop

    Collecting terms in ρ on the left-hand side, and all others on the right, we get

    rho sub c super one solidus three equals left parenthesis pi divided by 36 right parenthesis super one solidus three times cap g divided by cap k sub NR times left parenthesis m sub cap h divided by cap y sub e right parenthesis super five solidus three times cap m super two solidus three full stop

    Cubing this gives

    rho sub c equals left parenthesis pi divided by 36 right parenthesis times left parenthesis cap g divided by cap k sub NR right parenthesis cubed times left parenthesis m sub cap h divided by cap y sub e right parenthesis super five times cap m squared

    and substituting for KNR gives

    rho sub c equals left parenthesis pi divided by 36 right parenthesis times left parenthesis five times m sub e divided by h squared right parenthesis cubed times left parenthesis eight times pi divided by three right parenthesis squared times cap g cubed times left parenthesis m sub cap h divided by cap y sub e right parenthesis super five times cap m squared full stop

    Consolidating the two numerical factors, we obtain

    rho sub c equals left parenthesis 16 times pi cubed divided by 81 right parenthesis times left parenthesis five times m sub e divided by h squared right parenthesis cubed times cap g cubed times left parenthesis m sub cap h divided by cap y sub e right parenthesis super five times cap m squared full stop
  • b.The electron number density in the core of the star is n sub e equals rho sub c times cap y sub e solidus m sub cap h , so substituting in the core density from part (a) gives

    n sub e equals left parenthesis 16 times pi cubed divided by 81 right parenthesis times left parenthesis five times m sub e divided by h squared right parenthesis cubed times cap g cubed times left parenthesis m sub cap h divided by cap y sub e right parenthesis super four times cap m squared full stop

Activity 4 shows that in the non-relativistic case, the density in the core of a star may be written as

rho sub c equals left parenthesis 16 times pi cubed divided by 81 right parenthesis times left parenthesis five times m sub e divided by h squared right parenthesis cubed times cap g cubed times left parenthesis m sub cap h divided by cap y sub e right parenthesis super five times cap m squared
Equation label: (15)

or, in terms of the degenerate-electron number density, as

n sub e equals left parenthesis 16 times pi cubed divided by 81 right parenthesis times left parenthesis five times m sub e divided by h squared right parenthesis cubed times cap g cubed times left parenthesis m sub cap h divided by cap y sub e right parenthesis super four times cap m squared full stop
Equation label: (16)