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Why maps are made
Why maps are made

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3.2 Maps and the circuit of knowledge

Activity 3

The circuit of knowledge starts with a question or questions. For example, look at Figure 1 and Map 3, A and B. Figure 1 shows how the circuit of knowledge can be used to investigate a question, using Map 3, A and B, as evidence.

Figure 1
Figure 1 Using the circuit of knowledge to investigate a social science question (see also Map 3, A and B, below)
Map 3
Map 3 The colonization of Africa. Map A: 1880; Map B: 1914 (Source: Knox and Agnew, 1989, Figure 8.5, p.247)


Of course, this brief, very partial exercise produces lots more questions for which we would need to evaluate other sources of evidence. The purpose, however, is to show that maps constitute a source of evidence alongside text, pictures, statistics and spoken words.