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Results: 164 items

Understanding management: I'm managing thank you! free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Money & Business

Understanding management: I'm managing thank you!

This free course, Understanding management: I'm managing thank you! provides you with a set of ideas for developing your approach to managing your own work what we might call self-management. In order to do this, we will examine some of the key processes of management decision making, such as allocating time, staff, physical and financial ...

Free course
5 hrs
Digital forensics free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Digital forensics

Digital evidence features in just about every part of our personal and business lives. Legal and business decisions hinge on having timely data about what people have actually done. This free course, Digital forensics, is an introduction to computer forensics and investigation, and provides a taster in understanding how to conduct investigations...

Free course
8 hrs
Social marketing free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Money & Business

Social marketing

Never before have social issues been more at the centre of public and private debate. From concerns about sustainability and the future of the planet to the introduction of smoking bans, there is a growing recognition that social marketing has a role to play in achieving a wide range of social goals. This free course, Social marketing, examines ...

Free course
8 hrs
Learning to teach: becoming a reflective practitioner free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Education & Development

Learning to teach: becoming a reflective practitioner

This is the third of four courses which comprise the course Learning to teach. Critical reflection is crucial to becoming a successful teacher. This free course, Becoming a reflective practitioner, explains what is meant by reflective practice and how to ensure that reflection leads to learning. As a beginner teacher you will encounter many ...

Free course
5 hrs
Translation as a career free course icon level 3: advanced icon


Translation as a career

This free course explores translation as a career. During the course you will meet professional translators discussing their work and reflect on what they say. You will assess your own language level and find out how translators maintain their language skills. You will also engage in a short translation activity.

Free course
4 hrs
Making decisions free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Money & Business

Making decisions

Do you hate making decisions? Does the ability of others to make snap decisions really frustrate you? This free course will help you understand some of the processes involved in decision making. Attention to the psychology of decision making and the social context in which decisions are made can improve your understanding of others and yourself.

Free course
4 hrs
Conversations and interviews free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Money & Business

Conversations and interviews

This free course, Conversations and interviews, explores how to ask and answer questions in interviews and conversations.

Free course
5 hrs
Stakeholders in marketing and finance free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Money & Business

Stakeholders in marketing and finance

This free course, Stakeholders in marketing and finance, comprises two sections introducing the idea of customers and stakeholders for financial information. It also contains two activities in which learners are asked to relate the ideas discussed to their own work practice.

Free course
2 hrs
Developing high trust work relationships free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Money & Business

Developing high trust work relationships

Learn about trust in the organisational context. This free course, Developing high trust work relationships, introduces the concept of trust, what it means to you and how it may affect your organisation.

Free course
2 hrs
Intermediate German: Understanding spoken German free course icon level 1: introductory icon


Intermediate German: Understanding spoken German

This free course, Intermediate German: Understanding spoken German, is aimed at intermediate learners of German with an interest in language and culture. The six-hour-course is designed to develop your understanding of spoken German through video portraits of people in the German cities of Hamburg and Passau. It introduces you to naturally ...

Free course
6 hrs
Supply chain sustainability free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Money & Business

Supply chain sustainability

To survive in today’s competitive environment, organisations need not only have an efficient and effective supply chain for the context in which they operate, they also have to consider issues of sustainability in their supply chain strategies. These issues are a consideration beyond those of environmental sustainability and also encompass ...

Free course
8 hrs
Introducing ICT systems free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Digital & Computing

Introducing ICT systems

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) systems now dominate our everyday lives. This free course, Introducing ICT systems, will explain what constitutes such a system and how ICT systems work. You will also look at how ICT systems convey, store and manipulate data, and how they process data. Finally you will learn how these systems ...

Free course
9 hrs